
Some unholy unions are badass, this is just Bad (and not in the Michael Jackson way). This is the epitome of “hold my beer and watch this” Anyone willing to give another actual payment for it must have drank way too many with the builder. 

Came here to say this..... and I hope Sophia abides by the 3 laws

Not to be all “Mathy” but “the use of a single spare tire feels somewhat risky considering the truck’s 50% greater chance of a flat.”

I’ve read in several places negative reviews for the Veloster, not sure why? I’m a 40-something dad and bought a Turbo last year. I love the damn thing! It’s all the things (out of the box) I tried to make several Honda Civics be in my late teens and early 20s.

Dear Mr. Robber,

Stick with me for a moment......

I don’t know why this popped up today but it was a great read, you make a wonderful, consise & well written analysis of this work accepting what it is for what it is instead of trying to tear it apart for being fiction.

Depending on how old she is.....

exactly! If you start when they are cute and cuddly they can’t wrap their heads around it when you WANT them out of your bed. If they never know that’s an option it’s never an issue.

I’m a firm believer of the married couple as a core for the family. Part of nurturing that core is spending intimate time with the person you love. If the children are around both of you 100% of the time (even while sleeping) when do you get that different fulfillment, not just sex but a regular peaceful connection.

You are dead-on!

I feel greasy just looking at that thing :-(

Major kudos for presentation, I fully expected to read this was a forgotten garage queen with <2k miles on it by first glance at the title/price/pics. The fact it’s gone an appreciable distance makes for a better car to have IMO and the level of care it’s received would have most any person interested in 30 year old

“Get outta town, Doc!” - I think we just found what happened to earth’s gravitational pull in the future!

Christopher I have bad news for you, you are going to be sick to death of whatever practicamobile you wind up with in 10 months time. What you need to do is buy a $25k DD with 4 doors, there are oodles of options and opinions so make yourself happy. Then take the other $10 and get a toy car.

Torch makes an amazing case, Patrick that was just.plain.wrong!

I had 5 (count them, 5) Civics from 1988-1998 (model years), they were awesome cars for my 15-25 year old self in so many ways.

Those are all lovely (in a nostalgic 80's sort of day dream) and I’d happily appreciate any of those 3 WAY over today’s offering, but I still wouldn’t drop 13-large on anything short of a 2-for deal on them

Your wife seems like a very kind person but I imagine she wouldn’t let you enjoy the next 30 or 40 seconds (spaced out over the next month of course) if you paid $13k for this thing.

There is so much myosis in your statement it’s laughable. A UBI might as well already exist as the system is so manipulated by many that already live at that level. Government assistance at the poverty level is easy to come by and examples of its being taken advantage of are endless, not to mention there seems