
Yeah, but this bear runs our country. I see your point about not wanting to read about his horrifying antics while perusing the AV Club, but it’s not possible for the media to stop reporting on him.

On the one hand, this should be a nothing thing... but we have elected the dumbest people into the White House and that should not be forgotten. Like, can you imagine Michele or one of the Bush wives not fucking knowing the definition of the word “otherwise”

How about if first-class was renamed ‘the Sigur Rows’?

And maybe don’t have a seat pitch that’s shorter than my femur.

I’d only find this acceptable if one of the “weird in-flight characters” was Björk herself.

But it is nice to hear that there are airlines out there at least making an effort - albeit misguided - to treat flyers as guests.

Correction: “air travel is boring” IF you’re stupid and shortsighted enough to not bring a book; a device with movies, TV shows, or podcasts downloaded onto it; knitting or embroidery; crossword puzzles; or a million other things you can do to occupy your time while sitting still. I have LOTS of complaints about air

I can’t enjoy a cultural zeitgeist until it has completely passed.

I understand what you’re saying, I really do, and to an extent, I agree with you. I don’t believe Maher is A Racist (TM).

You’re right, and that’s why I do choose not to watch his bullshit. I don’t go to KKK meetings either, but I’m within my rights to voice my opinion that they downright shouldn’t exist. I am also within my rights to voice my opinion that I think he’s a heel and shouldn’t have a job anymore, just as it’s within your

He didn’t make a tasteless joke, he said something that was downright offensive to an entire racial group (he doesn’t belong to). We give him a pass and then we have to give every fraternity bro a pass for their blackface party. And no fucking thank you. Ultimately, Maher is getting/should be getting harsher treatment

Ah yes. PornHub.


I mean EVERYTHING about this quote is inaccurate: “distinctive point of view, coupled with his passion and commitment to insightful and informative entertainment, has remained unparalleled.”  

Sorry, David Foster Wallace. It’s the Willennium now. Irony won and sincerity lost.

Fuck off.

One of the things about Maher that really annoys me is also one of the same things that really annoys me about Trump - they’re both so insufferably SMUG and have this air about them that they’re better/more intelligent than anyone else.

Mediocre white men: Getting paid to be mediocre until the end of time.

No. There’s a video where he feeds Smash Mouth a bunch of eggs.

Yes, because the options are “manbun” and “Smash Mouth cosplayer”