Yes, please do slap the shit out of him. I would pay to watch Terry Crews slap DL Hughley until Hughley soils himself.
Yes, please do slap the shit out of him. I would pay to watch Terry Crews slap DL Hughley until Hughley soils himself.
Say what you will about his often questionable and occasionally hilarious taste in roles, if Sam Jackson hasn’t made at least two movies that you really love, I don’t think you get to call yourself a film fan.
This might be the best question I’ve ever read on this site.
There’s an amazing bit in his Masterclass where he coaches several students through his big speech from the end of Pulp Fiction, then steps in himself to show what a real pro can do with that material. It may actually be better than his performance in the film.
I think Samuel does a pretty good job of not yelling in his roles too. I think the misunderstanding of him just bellowing out MF bombs during his entire career gets a little out of hand. He didn’t even utter a damn word for over half of Glass’ run time.
The fact that everyone is failing at making copycat cinematic universes is kind of telling of what a great accomplishment the MCU is.
I feel like both haters and lovers of the MCU need to accept that it’s somewhere in the middle. Like yes they are just popcorn movies but they are also easily some of the best/smartest popcorn movies out there. Like otherwise we’re stuck with Jurassic World and Fantastic beasts.
Maybe it doesn’t translate so well from the Danish.
With music that doesn’t suit the period.
Fuck off, this a men problem, and it certainly isn’t limited to one religion. Trump ain’t Jewish last time I checked.
Oh fuck you’re another one of those cunts
Emma Thompson is a goddess and a national treasure
It’s fascinating that such a large percentage of the twitter replies and comments here are variants on the “Well, actually” theme.
It doesn’t matter if Greatest Show on Earth came out first, if Incas was the movie they watched and said, “Base the costume on that.”
Here come the mansplainers to mansplain mansplaining to us.
Nope, it has to do with men automatically assuming that women know less than them even when the women in question are experts in their fields.
I could see him being horrified at Trump, since as a new yorker he represents everything hank claims to hate. He’d be 100% a Jeb Man.
Battlefield Earth > The Santa Clause.
Jingle All The Way > The Santa Clause
Bad Santa > The Santa Clause