
I could go into so much detail about how similar our stories are, but suffice it to say, they’re REALLY similar. Right down to being the “youngest” child of my grandparents (who also had a son — my uncle — and a daughter). My husband’s family is also sane, thankfully, and my grandparents were what I needed, obviously.

Knew I'd find my people here. I change it up depending on the season, but I've been addicted to the coconut and pear one for a while now. I've also been using the acai berry recently, and it's surprisingly wonderful. I'm a big fan of Burt's Bees products in general, actually. I especially love the lotion. Everything

Knew I'd find my people here. I change it up depending on the season, but I've been addicted to the coconut and pear

That sounds absolutely lovely.

I love this one and was not expecting to see ol' Ute in here! My partner would no doubt be jealous of your encounter, as he idolizes Utah Phillips. You just felt comfortable enough to pee on his knee. I highly doubt he minded. haha

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, that's uncalled for. My partner's mother gave him that book for Christmas the year it came out; he started it; I judged him for it because I have never been able to fathom the to-do over Jonathan Franzen. He's just another Oprah-approved fair-to-mediocre writer (in my opinion). He didn't make

Nope. You're an awesome person. Or I'm a terrible person. But at least I'm in good company if that's the case, because I do that shit alllllllll the time. Also, I just have to give applause for all of the Prince action in this thread. Good show!

I find the man repulsive, but the late-1970s/early-1980s films will always have a place in my heart, and largely in part due to the fashion of the female characters. I'm a 31-year-old gay man, for what it's worth. Interiors is a woefully underappreciated film, and one that I had actually never seen until about four or