
Are there people who think T2 was not cutting edge for action cinema?

“See My Vest.”

If you like that, you may enjoy a little independent film called Star Wars.

Hey have you ever heard of 2001 a Space Odyssey?!? It’s really neat!!

I realize the viewership has shifted somewhat post-Kinja, but do we really think AV Clubbers need to be told to see Seven flipping Samurai, of all movies? Is this what we’ve been reduced to?

Yay, letter grades are back!

You have three kids. You only have that one phrase.

I’ve debated if I am more proud of that turn of phrase or my 3 kids.... still not sure.

I seriously thought they were using an now-older Harry Lloyd again to play Viserys’s older brother and that’s why they didn’t show his face.

“The magic creature that breathes magic fire, that died and was dragged out of the water by chains from nowhere, that was reanimated by the ice zombie commander was all fine, but lost me when it used it’s magic fire breath to take down a magic wall to allow the zombie army through.”

It seems like his ability to remember things depends a great deal on what he’s looking for and what he’s focusing on or listening for. It’s all there, but he has to put the right search terms in Three Eyed Raven Google, apparently.

ooh ooh ooh also the Hound and Brienne having a mom and dad moment about Arya. <3

I’m still hyperventilating.

Also did they give Rheagar the exact same wig that Harry Lloyd used to wear?



What modern teenager isn’t aware of their parents music? They may not choose to play it themselves (yet), but they’ve had no choice but to listen to that stuff their entire childhood.

+1 for Take My Breath Away in the dance. Top Gun love music for the win.

Lol. I went straight from the live action and fell into that anime show hole on Netflix. About six episodes in, and I’m quite enjoying it. I’m not a huge anime fan, but I can tolerate it—and yeah, it’s very different and more well developed in terms of characters and motivation—I can imagine by the end of it, it will

I know this is a double post but I figure it is worth repeating. I watched it today. It was a bizarre parallel universe version of Death Note. I felt like It was the equivalent of one of those half hour episodes of “The Twilight Zone” that is based on a 500 page novel; super rushed and truncated but still interesting