
It does matter. They’re not the ones making the claim, and technically neither did Tig Notaro.

Except they’re only reporting on an interview Vulture did with Notaro.

You can’t get sued for defamation for reporting what Tig Notaro said.

While you’re focused on a believable timeline, does it ever cross your mind that you’re watching a show about fucking dragons.

Or, they were just hiking North for one day, since we see them leave Eastwach at sunrise and don’t see the sunset until after Gendry is back at Eastwach.


“Based on the impression that the party had travelled for a few days north of the wall”

I wondered where they came from too, and who exactly they were for that matter.

same 3 dogs

boats moored at hardhome?

Funny how the 4 or 5 no named banner guys missed the photo op at the end of episode 5. Guess the Magnificent 12 or 13 just doesn’t have the same ring?

We also have three cats. I know the feeling.

Tormund’s ax had obsidian blades.

Considering things that take days (or weeks) seem to happen in the next scene, my mental reasoning while watching was that they went after the battle looking for the chains and it very well may have taken a great deal of time.

Zombie Ice Dragon?

I screamed “Nooo!” and started crying so hard I think I scared my roommate. We have three cats so this hurt our hearts. Also, how freaking stupid was this plan? They could have flown in on a dragon, scored a walker, and the the F out before hordes of the dead and the Night King. If Littlefinger doesn’t die next

That which is dead can never die... The Islanders might be onto something...

I called it! I think several people were talking about an Ice Dragon at the start!!! I’m stoked.

They have a Dragon...

I knew that death was coming, and I still cried watching him slip under the ice.