
It’s also an oblique way of saying “I know whose dagger this is.”

All I’ve ever wanted in this world is to be loved and supported like Qyburn does Cersei

Jon Snow totally drew those cave pictures himself.

Yep. I’m coming to this late but reading through and wondering why no one else realized this. There were TWO caches of Chekov’s documents mentioned last night. Something’s got to come from them.

Yeah, I’m surprised more people aren’t further pondering the title “A Song of Ice and Fire” in light of this. It fits well with the idea of Sam being GRRM’s surrogate because I could certainly see him creating a title that is a poetic allusion to his closest friend.

I think it might show up in the copies of raven messages that the Maester at Winterfell kept.

I’ve always thought the ‘fast travel’ complaint was silly. We’ve established how long it takes to travel from place to place. Now they’re using that X has traveled from Y to Z to mark that passage of time. To me it’s pretty straightforward, but I guess I’m in the minority?

I totally get why Bran is messed up now. He was inside the mind of a person who could see through time and space AS THAT PERSON DIED. Said Person died directly due to Bran not listening to all too frequent warnings. Then instead of escaping both his psychic time rift and the clear physical danger he was in, had to

I put down Bran being a dead-eyed weirdo to a combination of trauma - both from suddenly unlocking this massive power in a terrifying way and from using that power to see the deaths and suffering of at least a so many people, including his own friends and family - and to the fact that he’s been on a litter being


11. Nebraska

5. Daryl cutting open a zombie to check its guts, to make sure it hadn’t eaten Sophia.

5. Shane getting someone killed in a school

“Whatever you do, don’t go in the barn...”

That sounds like a fun game. What 4 scenes do you remember from season 2? Mine are:

If you binged it then yes, it probably didn’t seem so bad. But having that stretch out over 13 weeks was painful.

I too binged the first two seasons, and even so I very nearly dropped out of it. That... fucking... farm.

A big part of the problem with the farm is not the farm, in and of itself, but how over the course of the time on the farm the tone of the show was that the farm was a brief stop on their way to somewhere else. So each episode was all, “Well, time to move on” and didn’t move on.

Me too. At least the farm put the focus on the characters, and their attempts at coping with the end of the world, which was interesting. Compared to a bunch of drama club kids living in a junkyard who forgot how english works.

Season 2 basically highlights the biggest flaw with mid-season breaks for shows: They force the show into two stories, one before and after the break, which REALLY spreads out the story too much.