
He blames HIS DIRECTION for the reason they didn’t get it.

I don’t know, the way I read it with the context is that he doesn’t blame the audience for not getting it but himself for not managing to get the intended message across to the audience.

The point is he’s dark skinned, it’s a very fundamental part of his character and his upbringing to deal that with sort of colorism.

The same Entertainment Weekly article states Henry Zaga has been cast as Sunspot, and will be announced in the role shortly.

Step 1 - Starjammers in the X-Men movie

That’s what I was thinking. Warlock was typically tall and lanky and I could see them doin g a mocap thing with him. I imagine demon bear being a more ethereal CGI creation.

I agree about Warlock that was my thought too. Also, I have no problems with Dark Phoenix going cosmic if it gets us Starjammers, Shi’ar and Brood. In fact I can get behind that 100%.

it’s “definitely a possibility” Dark Phoenix could “go cosmic.”

Not that I predicted this would happen, but I can tell you with all my heart I truly believed shit like this was going to happen. Things like insulting our top allies, insulting the United States people and even derailing anyone that disagrees with him or calls him out on his bullshit. I can see all of that in our

None of this matters to the Republicans. Unless he has sex with a guy or turns black they will support him.

Find whoever animated the hair in Brave and put them to work!

This is the takeaway? A non CGI wig?

“Aw, damn. We need another Little Timmy!”

Nigh-indestructible pre-teen boys following a deranged mad scientist around on adventures? All we need now is Dum-Dum Dugan to tag along as their bodyguard and we’ve got... several copyright infringement cases. Damn.

Yep, I’m done with it based on one still shot. In fact, I may be done with all things Marvel. In fact, I may be done with movies in general. And TV. And food. And my kids.

All for one still shot.

I regret I have but one star (and no fruit pies) to give.


Maybe he’s using in the sense that to him it’s the “Ultimate” in universes.

Is it not a pun? As in he’s saying it’s the “perfect” universe, but for the audience at home it reads as “Marvel’s Ultimate universe Earth 1610" or whatever it’s designation is.

I will never forgive the editor for Secret Wars for missing the opportunity for Miles to save existence by giving Molecule Man a hostess fruit pie.