
If you’re the kind of person that makes this kinda spreadsheet you’re probably not the kind of person that travels much...and probably a not much fun to be around in general.

Sometimes I remember that we’re getting big budget film versions of both within months of each other, and then I get a little dizzy from joy.

Yes Suicide Squad was 100% the first movie where someone rode on a car roof.

We can prioritize, but we shouldn’t minimize. It’s not a zero sum game, and we can all play a range of roles in serving as a check on government right now.

Well, clearly if this investigation is being asked for then all available resources are being turned towards it and everything else is being put on the back-burner.

*rolls eyes*

So you prefer to vote for the party that actively tried to deprive Americans of health insurance over the party that got a little annoying over ethics concerns. Gotcha

Honestly, with this Admin, it actually seems more important to document everything. Sometimes when you minimize the little things, it’s one more justification in a long list of larger shenanigans that people think they can be careless about. I’m not saying that this should be a priority, but reporting it and

You know it is possible to do (and care) about more than one thing at a time? And perhaps you should talk to civil servants — before they get put on the endangered species list — who don’t get a pass on ethics rules, because this is the whole fucking fish. You know, an administration that has wiped its arse on every

I think I’m the target audience in question. I’m a massive fan of the book, and Tim Curry was the only good thing about the mini-series. It was a terrible script, the acting was only so-so out of everyone but Curry (even normally excellent actors), the pacing was turgid, and the special effects range from poor to

I dunno, I thought CGI Tarkin and Leia were exceptionally well done.

Meryl Streep played Carrie Fisher once before....

I thought the CGI Leia in Rogue One worked fine (note: I did not see it in IMAX or 3D). And in a couple of years, the tech will only get better. Lucasfilm already paid to use her likeness many years ago, so I imagine they will use that ability but rewrite the script to place her in only a few critical scenes, and

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

Yes it is Jill Stein and her voters’ fault and not ALL YOUR RACIST, SCARED NEIGHBORS VOTING FOR DONALD

Why is everyone acting as though Negan blocked Rosita’s bullet like a Jedi blocking a blaster shot with a lightsaber in Star Wars? She fired a homebrew bullet one-handed and missed, and it happened to hit his bat. The bullet was home made by someone who didn’t have access to real gunpowder and had only ever made

Was that THE basement jail that Rick was standing in near the end of the show?

He was the one that was holding him last night during the Negan confrontation.

He realized, along with the viewers, that he was in Dwight’s room. I actually expected him to find his crossbow stashed there, as well.

I feel so bad for Spencer. Sure, he was a douche, but in his position anyone would be. He was just so adorably stupid and he *did* try his best...guess he ain’t got no guts.

I...don't? I'll just wash my stanky undies when I get home.