
Oh my god, when they show the name of the other universes and it is like 12347596.498504.387927 - YES YES YES. At last someone who understand the many worlds theory - not just a mirror universe, but near infinite number of universes. Many of them with differences so minimal you could switch and spend your life in

I fear living in a world with no more Futurama! The Simpsons get to keep going past two decades, South Park is almost there, but we lose this beautiful show? NOT... FAIR...

If you look real closely, you can see Seymour still waiting for Fry because IT WILL FOREVER BE BURNED INTO YOUR BRAIN.

Seriously a crazy movie!!!

Name: Speed Racer


Futurama. As if there is any other answer.

Do you really not know the answer to that question, or are you just poking the bees' nest for fun?

Goddammit I love this movie.

If I watch it while drunk, which is often because it's a great movie to put in at 1am, it will be certain that the opening shot will make me cry because it is so beautiful. I get emotional with the flame stacks, then the eye, then the shot of the Tyrell building, golden and active, makes the waterworks go.

We have such a small sample size. Even if we had 100,000 Earth-sized worlds as a sample, it would be far less than 1/10th of one percent of the stellar population of the Milky Way galaxy - and if each star has more than one planet on average...

I tip my hat to you. I feel like it's a retirement home project to push on (with the accompanying literature in tow).

No clue. You can probably acquire it through some less than legal means or might be able to find it in a discount bin, since it's not new. I bought it pretty much as soon as it came out, so just own the DVD and never looked anywhere for it.

Now playing

For those of us old enough to have seen Blade Runner in the summer of 1982, NOTHING was ever as incredible, or ever has been as incredible, as that opening shot of future Los Angeles. The audience, including me and my older sister, just fucking gasped. For once, a movie made a promise, and didn't pull its punches!

Children of Men, to my recollection, has almost no exposition. (Film, not book, which I haven't read.) I think there was one awkward-but-necessary scene where one person said "I was so-and-so when it first happened" kind of out of nowhere, but otherwise is just a cohesive world happening in front of us. I guess the

Judge Goat approves.

The first incomplete sentence is the end of the incomplete sentence at the end of the book.

I was thinking about that, but I think she very much is already stepped in the weirdness of the world. Like she explains part way through she's pretty much a product of Mega City One and megaslums like Peachtrees, so the status quo and setting are old hat to her. And with her being a mutant psychic, she already sort

A Clockwork Orange.

This has been discussed in io9 before, but I'm growing tire of EVERY sci-fi movie when the fate of the world/universe hangs in the balance. Sure, these movies have their place but raising the stakes (all by itself) does not a good story make. Dredd put you in the middle of a story and told the audience that they're