
Don't get so high and mighty. State-side Niagara Falls looks like a dead town.

my feels right now

Everytime I see before!Ollie, he loses some hotness points. However, sinc he started with infinity hot points, he should be safe.

Yes. Don't be so temporal normative.

I find it amusing that hair tends to get longer as you go back in time. My hair gets longer when time progresses forward. Is there something wrong with my hair?

Go home, folks. spaced99 wins.

Anal revenge-rape with insemination tools, trans clone Tony who titillates brother-sestra, dominatrix sex (through a sniper scope), happy-fun-times with arson/murder, and a male clone reveal at the end among other hijinks? You call that playing it real safe? :)

Haste makes waste! A stitch in time saves nine! A body in the trunk is worth two in the bush. *hic*

You may suggest pizza. You may not suggest toppings. Ever.

Season 2 was straight up more enjoyable for me. Looser, more textured, overall tastier. Result may vary between users.

Most fans who are anti-Clone-Felix love the actor and think he'd be marvellous playing Felix's clones —but— we like Felix as the 'Brother Seestra' because he is the non-clone clone-ally from the start. It is a valued position and, for many perspectives, a very important role.

But all in all, at least half the stuff on this album is worth listening to multiple times, and at least a few tracks are instant classics.

Justice Ruth Laser Ginsborg approves this album.

I would say that focus changes about halfway through, so your almost there.

Well they better renew it



You're not foolin' me, JPL.