
Hell yeah!

you are all my bitch! Haha. Even as a huge Li fan, that movie sucked.

I have to admit, I want to see a movie about Noomi Rapace and the severed head of Michael Fassbender flying around the universe looking for the creators of humanity. Maybe they'll meet Optimus Prime and have a party.

Now playing

The One isn't a great movie, but this final scene is the greatest thing ever. And I wanted a whole movie about Evil Jet Li conquering an evil dimension full of evil people.

The sons of bitches....

This isn't university, you caps lock riding, ass-hatted, knob gobbler. It's a comment section. comments. not science journals.

You have proven that arguing with a climate change denier is exactly like arguing with a fluoride freak. Well done, sir.

Yes, and if the continental US was the whole planet and 10 years the last 150, that would matter.

I think his Mars reference is an incredibly brainless, incoherent attempt to reference this ignorant denier claim:

And in a survey of 3146 alien scientists, in a range of disciplines, 100% believe that the EARTH IS DOOMED!

That hill's not blasted open, so if it's Kentucky, there must not be coal under it.

It's an uninhabitable wasteland...

I can't be sure without a caption. Is this a picture of Mars or Kentucky?

No, he asked for reasons. The easiest and most truthful response would be to say, "Millions of people will die, many of them Americans." That might get the senator's attention.

Well, now that we don't have smog... I suppose it's time to lift all those low-emission policies!

Cracked voiced a similar sentiment in an article I read the other day. The issue isn't that we're putting idiots in positions of power, the issue is that we're breeding generations of future idiots to eventually put into those same positions of powers. The issue is us.

I expect that even once that number reaches zero, that still will not be enough...

Hey, it's raining, but I'm not getting wet. I guess I don't need this umbrella anymore!

So the ozone hole was a hoax, because it went away (is going away) after we took steps to minimize its impact and reverse its effects by eliminating freon and certain spray chemicals?