
In terms of the sorts of dudebros that it attracts, there is no actual difference. Carry on.

I don't get all the dictionary links. This is a sociology topic. If people wish to be taken seriously, they should use some sort of resource at least related to that field.

I think we need a new word for structural, institutional racism. Because clearly most people not trained in sociology or without an interest in race issues use the old, dictionary meaning of racism, I.e. "not liking people because of their race", which leads to these endless circular arguments.

I don't think she needs any excuse, and she is only apologizing because that's what one does in these situations. She is not wrong in the least. Her criticisms and critiques are spot on. She just has to learn how to play the game a little better, i.e., learn when and how to pretend to be compliant, unless she can

Please explain how you believe that it's, what exactly, unfair (?), that the NAACP and BET exists. Go ahead, play devil's advocate. Lend credence to the notion that despite White people being over represented in U.S. media, it's ridiculous and maybe even like, "reverse racist" that Black people create their own spaces

And you've just definitively proven that you're racist.

Comparing the prejudice that PoC have towards white people to the systematic racism that continues to oppress PoC is racist. You are belittling systematic racism....and that is precisely what we use the word "racial prejudice" to describe racial prejudices against

I so want to believe that the Jezebel commentariat is "refined" but then I see entire threads debating the definition of racism by relying upon Webster's and Urban Dictionary definitions. I am getting flashbacks to senior seminars from high school. I would expect people to be more well-read (before I get piled on

Right? "Power difference" means everything. It is literally the very crux on which supremacy and oppression sit very, very comfortably.

Except that they don't? Black face is a truly radical example, which is why I used it. White face was never a thing because nobody was making fun of white people/oppressing white people/marginalizing white people/etc.

No, I think it's white supremacist mindsets that allow people to truly believe this is as bad as black-face. And I don't think she so much made fun of "white people" as she was making fun of college bros.

PS: I accidentally confused hockey with lacrosse. I apologize deeply for my hateful and inexcusable reverse racism.

Many posters have been trying to get this point across and it is my response to your post as well: When white people act like black people, nothing happens to them. Remember how Black Face used to be a whole thing? Right. Well anyway, so when this one black girl makes fun of elite white boys who like hockey, it's not

Seriously, this is the engrained white supremacy in you. To think that a group of young blacks taking a photo with black power fists is inherently "shit-stirring".

"People get so butthurt when I wear a little irreverent blackface or call a girl a dyke because she wouldn't give me a hand job. It's not my fault people have thin skins and no sense of humor! Of course, sometimes stereotypes can be cruel and hurtful. Like when people assume I play lacrosse just because I'm a rich

No, my viewpoint is informed. Which one could objectively argue, makes it better.

Right? I don't really get why someone would find a black power salute offensive. I understand why some people would find it aggressive and therefore threatening. But offensive? It represents a movement that sought to correct injustice. I don't really understand how you can take it out of its context (hundreds of

Peterson may not have a future as a politician (what with her refusal to dilute her actions and beliefs in order to appease people) but that photo indicates she does have a flare for the comedic. Call it offensive all you want, folks — that photo is hilarious. As a white woman who lives in DC (BroMecca) and attended a

I kinda knew too. It's just amazing to have it all contained in a post where Beyonce and natural hair aren't theme of the article.