
Your right, the Wii, should work too (again, assuming it’s still supported by Netflix, but given the huge install base, I assume it is). I can vouch for the 360 output format. So it actually would be pretty straightforward to watch Stranger Things on old school TV, if you could find one. With the RCA/coax converter

I can confirm that the Xbox 360 Netflix client still works. I can’t speak right now to its output formats, though.

Good luck playing Netflix on it though!

Actually an Xbox 360 would totally work. It had wide output capabilities (HDMI/component/RCA), and I suspect it is still supported by Microsoft/Netflix with updates despite being insanely old (by tech standards). A TV from that era would probably have an RCA input, but if not it

I went to visit my father after he purchased a new TV and that Trumotion interpolation bullshit was turned on. I couldn’t stand to watch it like that but when I turned it off he said he didn’t see any difference. He implied that I might be imagining it, until we went to Best Buy and I told him from across the store

My new 4k TV has roughly 47,000 things I can customize and about 3500 preset “scene modes” and even more “sound modes.” They are in nested menus with non-obvious names and descriptions straight out of a poorly translated Korean motherboard manual from 1992 like “4x Oversampling: Sets the oversampling rate to 4x.”

My friend had that motion-smoothing crap turned on, and it drove me crazy. When I finally asked him how he could watch TV like that, he said he didn’t realize it was on. And when he turned it off, he said he didn’t notice any difference. I guess some people can’t see it?

I’m headed to the Goodwill to retrieve the 400 pound 27" RCA teevee I donated in 2002. I’m sure it’s still there.

Pepperidge farm rem.....

Remember when people used to comment on AV Club articles?

I watch all my movies exclusively on iPhone screens.

Are there people who think T2 was not cutting edge for action cinema?

“See My Vest.”

If you like that, you may enjoy a little independent film called Star Wars.

Hey have you ever heard of 2001 a Space Odyssey?!? It’s really neat!!

I realize the viewership has shifted somewhat post-Kinja, but do we really think AV Clubbers need to be told to see Seven flipping Samurai, of all movies? Is this what we’ve been reduced to?

Yay, letter grades are back!

It does matter. They’re not the ones making the claim, and technically neither did Tig Notaro.

Except they’re only reporting on an interview Vulture did with Notaro.

You can’t get sued for defamation for reporting what Tig Notaro said.

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.