She’s probably gonna “rap” too. I’m already disgusted about it.
She’s probably gonna “rap” too. I’m already disgusted about it.
They got pissed at Beyonce for going on the CMAs and now Taylor Swift is doing this and...I mean, shit. Those $70 greens done sold out. What more is left?
This is the only time I will let Paul Ryan mansplain.
The source material is still going to exist and it isn’t going to change. It’s based on the original work, not a carbon copy. People get so worked up on petty things like this.
I just take things for what they are and treat it separately. More as an “inspired by” work. People shit themselves clean over stuff like this. It’s going to start sounding like Ghostbusters level drama soon. “No you ruined my childhood/favorite thing.” The source material still exists and it isn’t going to change. If…
I have no opinion on this movie. I’m not being contrary. This movie could suck or be good, and at this point it’s too early to say. What is exhausting is people seeing like 2 facts and drawing these absurd, grand conclusions about the entire project. “These pictures don’t look like the anime! That must mean no one in…
Of course there is nothing to say that it’s simply for sake of change. A second point is adaptations are very rarely good when everything is directly reproduced. You have to know when to change things for the better.
You know, I’ll stick my opinions in the camp that says “Sure, I’m ok with this.”
Satan’s womb.
This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.
“we” are nothing. I have an opinion.
What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen:
Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.
Huh. I actually thought her outlandish, theatrical costumes were refreshing for a pop industry littered with robotically seductive young singers. It seemed like her way of saying, “The status quo in this industry is that I use my body, so it’s going to be on my terms.” Her music is hit or miss for me (just…
Except that, as I said, men are rarely told they look too ridiculous to be taken seriously. We might say that someone like Prince or Mick Jagger or whomever looks ridiculous, but we don’t let that take away their talent.