
When my grandma was ill I took a semester off college, went with her to appointments, cooked, cleaned, organized, and hung out. My only regret is that I did not take off more time or quit school to stay with her for a year. Every single time I see some dumbass pink something I get so irate. GO DO SOME LAUNDRY FOR

The pink slime issue didn’t begin with permanent marker on someone’s hand. My gripe isn’t with important, significant issues going viral. My problem is with people who think they’ve somehow done their part or contributed to the cause by drawing on themselves, posting it to social media, then brushing their hands off

Oh my god that Korny thing was so annoying. That was the most bandwaggoniest bandwagon.

The truck was pink or the cement?

I saw something on Facebook about “No Bra Day” to raise awareness for breast cancer and I rolled my eyes so hard they almost popped out of my head.

There’s no reason it needs to be a secret. It just has to be a common practice that all professionals that work with victims of domestic abuse or mandated reporters would be trained on. This campaign seems more geared towards getting the average person to recognize a supposedly secret signal so that they can swoop in

A purveyor of crank cures is a purveyor of crank cures. Someone who is only sometimes smart and only sometimes gives good information is still wrong most of the time.

I feel exactly as you do and generally when I point out the “do nothingness” of these useless campaigns people look at me as if I’m being hyper critical and unappreciative of peoples efforts. “Well, they’re just trying to do a nice thing, show support.” But it’s not a nice thing! It’s a nothing thing that helps no

A few years ago they had lenticular posters to help victims of child abuse. From the view point of an adult they looked like normal posters, but from the lower view of a child they revealed additional information just for them.

One like = 1 prayer

I just saw a pink breast cancer cement truck this morning. Oh, fuck the fuck off already with that shit. Seriously.

You know what would really help? Real consequences for the abusers.

God. EVERYTHING is for “support,” even when that support literally does nothing.

UGHHHH. I hate all this “I’m doing X to raise awareness for Y”. The purple fingernails, the wearing green, the drawing & writing on oneself, none of it DOES anything. It reminds me of the whole Kony thing a few years back, when suddenly everyone on Facebook had posted a status that was ostensibly supposed to somehow

Facebook or any social media “campaigns” are FUCKING STUPID.

This is exactly why I didn’t repost the bloody thing. ‘Yes, let’s make sure all abusers around the world know exactly what it means.’

Fucking Dr. Drew. Is there a wonky idea that he won’t endorse?

I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. It's sad and it would be great if some kind of secret signal could help abuse victims find help but the thing about it is that it actually needs to be secret

“... the only difference between him and a Republican is that he says he’s not one.”