
Specs aren't everything, but they're also not nothing. In fact, they're something that a whole lot of people base their purchases on. So, uh, not writing about them would've been prettyyyyyyy pointless. But thanks for your concern, and I'll be sure to run all further articles by you for approval before posting.

I'm saying something that doesn't remotely happen to make a point about something that never happens.

Don't forget that Varys is also fond of saying he's working "for the realm... for the children".

Tarsem Singh's The Fall. Absolutely love this movie. The scope, the setting and costume details, the complex and beautiful relationship between Lee Pace and Catinca Untaru, the way the fairy tale overlaps with the real world, the purpose each character plays in making the story complete.... I'd watch this simply for

What a weird, weird movie. I agree, the continuity is spot-on — but throughout the first half of the movie, the main character does more things that made me say "why the hell did he do that?" than any other recent movie I can remember.

Blade Runner. I've seen every released version of it at least once (Final Cut... many times) and all of the extra material from the 5-Disc Ultimate Collector's Edition, and it's a movie that just keeps on giving. The world is ridiculously detailed, and keeping an eye out for small stuff will be extremely rewarding for

I have been a left wing activist for longer than you have been alive, son. Your viewpoints do not represent the left wing of *anything*. Stop trolling and go effect some social change.

I have a newsflash for you buddy. Whatever the hell you are, it ain't a leftist. Sociopath perhaps.

Are you fighting a war? As in quite literally typing your comments whilst sitting in the midst of a war zone?

This article could have been a lot shorter if we looked at the disease suffered by conservatives resulting in the recent, dramatic increase in polarization, rather than the symptoms. Stated succinctly, it could be called, "The Obama Effect or How I Can't Believe We Have a Black President!"

I know people want to act like gays have had such a struggle, but they haven't.

Can't you jerk off in private?


I was a huge fan of Eureka. I'd like a comedic show that didn't bank on humans being as awkward as possible ALL THE TIME. (The Office being the one that started it all, but closely followed by Modern Family, Parks and Rec, New Girl, etc. etc. etc.)

One of our cats is best pals with a little raccoon. He must be the runt of the litter or whatever, because he's a lot smaller than the others I've seen in their family/community. And I've "known" him for years, so it's not like he's a baby. I'll often find him asleep with our cat, the both of them snuggled together.

"More non-Pratt images..."


Disagree. All men who can pull of a henley must. Regardless of chest hair. Flaunt it. Henleys rule.

As someone who aspires to wear a henley as well as Chris Pratt wears a henley, let me just say... homeboy can wear the hell out of a henley. And yeah, unbuttoned is the only appropriate mode.

I don't watch Parks & Rec as much as I used to, but I tuned in the other day and was amused at the lengths they're clearly going to to keep Andy kinda schlubby looking while Chris Pratt gets buffer and buffer for each movie role. It's like the opposite of hiding a pregnancy.