
No, it's only that the author and I are educated in both history and Katy Perry's track record of racial insensitivity.

That pan around the courtyard, where we see most of the named characters all doing something awesome, is now my favourite single shot of the entire show. I'm a sucker for that kind of busy shot though, if only for the work it will have taken to organise!

The best part was that when they hooked the mammoth up to the gate, there was the moment when the men of the watch were just staring down, fascinated. "That's a giant leading a mammoth! Oh my god!"
"Shouldn't we shoot them?"
"In a minute."

As ambivalent as I am towards the character, Rose Leslie's portrayal of Ygritte came together quite nicely at the end. I especially loved when she stared straight up into the eyes of a seven-foot Thenn and confidently boasted, "None of you are fast enough to stop me." That was pretty boss.

I was also excited.

I haven't read the books (Team Unsullied!) yet, but my guess was that at the last second Ygritte would die somehow defending Snow. Very glad that wasn't the case.

I'll just leave this piece of awesomeness here.

At one point I remember thinking, "Damn. I'm watching a TV show with Giants riding Wooly Mammoths." About the same time, Jon said, "Those are Giants and Mammoths down there," as if he was just reiterating how awesome it all was.

It's funny that everyone's nitpicking over proofreading but somehow fail to see they're echoing the critique of everyone else before them. One time is enough people, one time is enough.

"'...but nit-picking the work of a professional is called critique(.")

The period comes before the end-quote.

Not to mention it's damn difficult to proofread your own work. What you think you type is not always what you type...and when you read it back your brain reads it incorrectly because YOU know what it says.

Do you have kids? I'm just wondering — I don't, but this doesn't strike me as an inability to say no and I'm curious if you are speaking from a certain experience. Isn't part of the point of saying 'no' that you can say 'yes' to reasonable requests? And isn't part of being human and having a life that sometimes you

This is one of movies I recommend to everyone I know but only like 10% of them actually like it. Gah, I need to find smarter friends.

Now playing

A late addition: Flashbacks changing how you "know" a character:

I like when a movie has the unexpected total "bad" ending. Event Horizon is like that too.

When the person you thought you knew turns out to be someone else. My favorite example (SPOILERS)—"LOST"'s season 5 finale where it turns out Locke has actually remained dead since Ben killed him and it was actually the Man in Black impersonating him when they return to the island. When Locke's body falls out of the

"Let's get this party started!"

When they skip ahead a few years. Alias did it. BSG did it. It always excites me.