
As a black European, I always thought all this talk that American racists have about the lack of intelligence of "Afro-Americans" is really weird.

Ahem. "It's," as an abbreviation for "it is on."

The irony of people expressing anti-science sentiment via a computer over the web will never cease to amaze me.

Yessssssss. I usually HATE movies like that. My husband is still astonished that I love this movie. Anytime I do something around the house, I puff out my chest and deeply-voice "I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!"

I can say "meow". I can say "moo", for twenty bucks I'll call the guy a chickenfucker.

Littering and, littering and, littering and...

I saw this in the theater. A few years later I was visiting friends in their college townhouse, and mentioned the movie, which made about a dozen people laugh at me. I insisted it was a great movie and told one of them go rent it right there and then. She came back and we all watched it- everyone loved it and


A TSA Agent in Minneapolis played the "Meow" game with me. I called him out. His partner said he's been saying it for an hour. Those were my favorite TSA agents.

Just the scene where Farmer Hoggett sings "If I had words, I'd make a day for you" and does a jig to make the pig feel better, just that scene alone is better than the whole 120-odd minutes of most films.

I love Jennifer Lawrence, and I'd heard good things. I went in thinking Hunger Games would probably be a good movie, but I was very surprised to find such a great movie. I had planned to wait until they were all out, as I was in no rush to see them, but my friend's daughter really wanted to watch the movies, so we

Sniff...that'll do pig.

Now playing

This right here. I watched the original as a little kid, got my hands on a bootleg VHS, watched that until it was worn out. When I heard they were going to make a sequel to a movie practically no one remembered, I was really, really skeptical. You know what? The movie really worked. Perhaps it wasn't the most

I figured it was just some stupid kiddie talking animal flick, but boy was I wrong.

It's not that I expected it to be awful or anything, but I didn't anticipate being so blown away by Sunshine.

Laughed my tuckus off from one end to the other.

Now playing

I mean...who would have thought this would be better than a lot of the Star Trek movies it was parodying?

Drag Me to Hell