

I think I mark my "adulthood" as the time when I was proven right. I spent my teen years and early twenties developing moral systems and modes of behaviour that I thought were good and worthwhile, and would eventually lead me to a wonderful life. For most of that time it really didn't look like it was actually going

Life of Pi

I remember when Youtube first got big I looked up old episodes of Thundercats, which I remembered being this awesome kickass show (and how could it not be? Big cats with friggin' swords!). Then I watched the show and blech. Stupid jokes, terrible writing, and ridiculous characters. One of the saddest days of my

We won't always think that it was a great idea to airbrush that howling wolf picture onto the side of our van.

I loved her the first time I saw her Louboutins. :D

I don't really disagree with any of what you're saying - in fact, I wasn't making any sort of point about Cersei and Oberyn - obviously she was there to vet him/attempt to sway him on being a judge at Tyrion's tribunal. But if she was completely trying to cuddle up to him she would have just agreed that Dornish

Going to disagree with you a bit here. I don't think Tywin views Cersei like that at all. In fact I think right now he loathes all of his children (his sour opinion of Jamie being new to this season, he already was low on Tyrion and Cersei). On the other hand he is shrewd man, he may not like his children, but he

These movies have made Wolverine a household name. But turned him into an unkillable leader type and not the awesome, loner, alcoholic killer he used to be. They completely ruined Cyclops by giving all his best qualities (Tall, handsome, great leader, Jean's true love) to Wolverine and then killing him. And the

And whatever happens in the Vale stays in the Vale — because the Eyrie, the castle there, is virtually impregnable to attack. The only approach is through a narrow pass leading to a gate, which forces any attacking force to walk three abreast and get slaughtered from above.


If Syrio is dead I'll eat my work chair. My theory is he is Jaqen H'ghar.

If you don't like it, skip it, you idiot. No one makes you read articles that make you think, obviously

"Like I said. Alarmism"

I doubt it. Any time that global warming is brought up on io9, people with obviously "real" names come out of the woodwork. It's almost like someone spends millions upon millions every year to discount the idea of climate change. Or Obamacare. Or an increase in the minimum wage.

Sadly, in related news, The Onion has shut down because it's become terrifyingly redundant.

Christ, do we have to have this blather everywhere? Tell you what, whenever I see this plaintive cry of 'blaaaagggh, get these durn politics off mah [whatever] site!', I can usually guess what point on the political spectrum the complainer sits. It's transparent bullshit used to stifle debate that pushes your

Gosh, maybe we'd know if Fox didn't refuse to let him talk about it.

I'm from the other side of the ocean

Was the offer only good for 10 seconds?