
Heinz: For All Your Deep Ethical Dilemmas

"Why does Gipsy Danger have a sword?"

No, but I would like to know more about this banana. I'm asking for a friend.

1) the universe must be caused,

Even if you concede that the universe had "cause", there is no reason to assume that a divine being or even an intelligence did it. The universe may indeed have a cause, but declaring that a god did it carries just as much weight as declaring that my neighbor Chuck down the street did it.

That was my initial response when texting first came about, but then I was like, "wait, I can interact with people without having to actually talk to them?! Score!" I really hate talking on the phone. But I still prefer it for "meet you where?" kinds of conversations. Every time I have an entire conversation via text,

You think the why are you not responding to me right now part is insulting? Calling me is that times 1000.

I envy and fear for your prospective offspring.

I remember going to a few weddings where I had incurred a lot of expense to get there, and didn't get a peep from the brides (note: in these cases, I was close friends with the bride). At one of the weddings, the bride went to far as to thank people who had come from out of town and named a bunch of people but didn't

Come on — I say "brides" because most of the people reading this website, demographically, are probably women and therefore more likely to be brides. And yes, if it's you getting married, it's your responsibility to say thank you to your guests enthusiastically and graciously.

I love the new movies. There I said it.

Carolyn Porco movie!!

If there was such a thing as the liberal media, all mentions of Ken Ham would start with the phrase "Noted Idiot"

Your last sentence is definitely what she said...

Hold on. Are you telling me that there just might be numerous, complex factors to the fall of a global empire beyond just one simple answer in house plumbing? How the hell are they going to put that on HuffPo, UpWorthy, Buzzfeed or ViralNova? How am I going to share that on Facebook! How can I make the headline: "You

What category is "Alien possess children to warn of their imminent invasion, and once they arrive they demand a percentage of the earth's children to turn their body chemicals into recreational drugs."

And maybe an immortal time traveller is the planet's only hope.

(Torchwood: Children of Earth was fucking awesome, btw.)

Best thing about Blues Brothers 2000?