
So they've received a sauce-and-desist order?

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited to see the same story told over and over and over and over and over and over. I don't want anything new. Give me what I've seen before and I feel like I'm under a heavy quilt with the snow falling outside.

A rebootmagining. "If you want a vision of future Hollywood, imagine a reboot stomping your face forever." - George Orwell, Cinema Farm

I teared up while watching this episode, taking us to the places where the heroes of science made their discoveries makes for a wonderful narrative.

From the rest of Greenfield's work, I would expect more attacking of Muslims. 0/10 for relevance, 0/10 for factual analysis of actual science, 101/10 for verbose bullshit.

"The Cosmos crowd have always been eager to mock televangelists predicting the end of the world, but have little to say about Sagan's equally bogus predictions about the end of the world."

"This is the reason why Creationism is not regarded as an old myth but a flat Earth is."

This is all the Goonies 2 necessary. We don't need another.

God I hope you are NEVER allowed to teach in any school. Evolution is PROVEN many times over, anyone who believes in Creationism is and idiot, a religious fanatic, or both.

Can all the "Why is this on io9?" comments be automatically redirected here?

Science is political.

My useless BA agrees.

Quite frankly, I am fed up with the conservative view that people being allowed to espouse an opinion that isn't conservative is contrary to the free speech of conservatives. I have had it up to my neck with people claiming that the real intolerance is being intolerant of intolerance. I am completely over

What's up with everyone who opposes this action bringing LGBT people into it? Does Montana Tech assert in their mission statement that dinosaurs are gay or something?!

"I see more evidence in what science finds pointing to a Creator then I do all the "theoretical" things science claims. Until your views of big bang...etc are not called a theory, you have no ground either."

That whole "This is how Spectrometry works" thing blew my goddamned mind. I mean I always knew how it worked - at least conceptually, but how it actually works - the black space in the rainbow was result of light not bouncing off electrons - was a moment of "ah! Ah-hah!" for me.

You know how it works! They want a new testament forgiveness for themselves, an old testament wrath of god for everyone else.

Please research before you spew