
I have to admit, I’ve been watering down my son’s juice. He loves juice, and since juice is one of the few words he says (speech delayed) I love to give him juice to encourage him talking. But there is just so much sugar, so I water it down.

Miette is a really pretty name! It’s the name of a little girl in a french movie I like (City of Lost Children). I never knew that it wasn’t a “real” name.

Oh my old boss had these glasses! He perfected the art of unsnapping the glasses to take them off in one fluid, swift fashion that looked super cool.*

My husband and I used to bounce our son on our lap while singing “Shake the baby!”

Have you seen the Station Agent? He’s amazing in that.

Ugh, this means in a couple months TJ Maxx is going to be filled with all of these outfits. And it’s the only place available for me to shop for clothes. Blegh.

In a related note, I learned to love carrots because my mom cooked them with brown sugar, so they were extra tasty. I learned to make them the same way and found that the kids I babysat loved the brown sugar carrots, so I could always get them to eat their carrots.

My husband is the stay at home dad. He does the childcare, food preparation and bill payment and the bulk of the daily cleaning/maintenance of the house. I’m more concerned with making sure he is financially secure if I die. I want to make sure that I have enough life insurance so that although he will need to get a

Yeah, I pushed for 4 hours, even had to have a forceps assisted vaginal birth.* And I haven’t had any problems with peeing. I will say that for the first 6 months I did think the outer bits felt differently, but they went back to normal as I recovered. But every one’s vagina is different, so this is not to discount

There can be a lot of reasons why a person would have more than a year to plan. My husband proposed to me in May, and I knew pretty early on I wanted a fall wedding. So my two options were get married in 4-6 months (which would have been way too stressful) or wait 18 months and have more time to plan and not get

It was weird for me to read about the backyard picture representing wealth. I lived in a small, house in the city with a backyard. It was not in an expensive area, my neighbors were all blue collar workers, and I was a grad student making almost nothing. My husband was the stay at home dad because we couldn’t afford

Will do as commanded

Same for me. I don’t live in Portland (I’m farther north and east) but Maine doesn’t get enough love.

I feel like the non intense Paleo diet is really just the kind of balanced diet that my doctors always tried to get me to eat: a healthy portion of vegetables, some protein, minimally processed food. Where the more standard Paleo is different has a degree of “Thou Shalt Nots”. It’s the feeling that you can’t deviate

But are they still going to waft Axe body spray throughout the store? Because I can’t walk past an A&F store unless I hold my breath.

The issue is that you said the phrase is used all up and down the East Coast. I’ve lived on the east coast my whole life. I grew up in Mass. and I lived in Baltimore for 9 years. I’m now in Maine. I’ve never heard dipped to refer to scooping ice cream. I believe you that it is a phrase that is used, but I don’t think

Not the same situation, but my parents have been divorce for over 20 years. My mom has dated and even been engaged, but I never really thought she’d get married. The first two engagements ended and I mostly felt relieved that that was over, and I could comfort my mom. I guess I never really believed my life would

Another Wellesley Alum! Our library is gorgeous!

But my experience is that faculty at top STEM grad programs are looking for research experience, but not necessarily in top tired schools. I went to a SLAC, worked as a lab tech for 2 years and got into a top 10 genetics PhD program. The other students in my year? Came from all over the spectrum of colleges, from

I hope I'm not the only mom who was excited to go back to work. I love my son, but I've worked damn hard to get to where I am in my career. And I love spending time with him, but he is exhausting; at 18 months, he is a whirlwind of activity and sometimes I need a break. Work is a nice break, I get to do the work