
I didn’t take anything while still pregnant because it was only during the last two weeks for the PUPPP. But for the hives, I started with a topical corticosteroid (over the counter) that didn’t do anything. Finally my PCP prescribed 20 mg/day of prednisone which was low enough that I was okay to still breastfeed,

It was the WORST! I was in tears most nights. I think it took 2 weeks to get treated because since it happened right after delivery (before I even left the hospital) I kept asking my midwives what to do, and all they could say was take antihistamines before finally telling me to see my PCP. I’m not sure he believed it

I had PUPPPs too! Ugh, luckily just the last two weeks, but that was miserable, my belly itched so bad. Then after I delivered I ended up with post-partum hives all over my arms and legs. My midwives and PCP kept telling me that there must have been a trigger (change in soap or laundry detergent). I kept telling them

HI’ve had two semi difficult deliveries.

I am also a Good Kid, but I picked Picky Eating because it turns out I was a picky eater, but my mom catered to it so I never had to try new things. It wasn’t until college (and I met my husband) that I learned about all the delicious foods I should have been eating all along.

The fact that he so clearly wants to take Corinne to the fantasy suite is the sole reason she’s in my final 4 for my bracket. Most everyone else in my Bachelor League have her leaving before the 6 because that’s normally how far the “crazy” one goes. Corinne isn’t actually crazy, but she is immature but also a good

I need to wait until April after I have this baby delivered. Hopefully my insurance won’t change before then (not ACA insurance and my employers are super into preventative medicine so I should be safe).

Thank you! I was scrolling to see if anyone else posted this before I did. This is how we sing it at graduation!

This reminds me sooooo much of when the college republicans at my college invited Phyllis Schlafly to speak. This was at a prominent women’s college and Schlafly is known for her rhetoric that women belong in the home and not working.

We used to do it all manually (one of my co-workers takes control of making the bracket and questions), but this year we are using the ABC/ESPN online bracket system.

Fantasy Bachelor and Bachelorette are a staple among the women at my work. We all do a bracket and get points. I never win (I’m terrible at picking out who is going to be featured for just one episode before being cast off and who is in multiple episodes).

There’s a picture of Hillary amongst her wall of strong women politicians and it makes me so sad when I see it.

I had a “missed” miscarriage, meaning my fetus died in utero, at about 6 weeks from what we could tell, but by 10 weeks I still hadn’t lost the embryo. So I had to have a D&C to remove the dead embryo. How would these idiots have classified me? I didn’t miscarry at home, it had to be done in the hospital. Would

Ugh, it was like watching a horror movie, I kept yelling at the tv: No don’t go by yourself! No, just grab the data and leave! No, if you hear a creaking in the seemingly abandoned creepy building, just leave, don’t look around!

I’m pregnant with my second right now and only 13 weeks so I’m just past the early stages where you just feel bloated but not actually pregnant and finally feel like maybe I’m pregnant (now if only the nausea would go away for good)

My celeb pregnancy twins with my first were Kim Kardashian and Duchess Kate. That was a hard combo. Physically I’m closer to Kim’s size (short though quite as curvy) and I showed like crazy, by 5 months I looked like I was ready to give birth. Versus the Duchess who is taller than me and didn’t look nearly as

Okay, so I loved Gilmore Girls back in the day, but I never made it past Rory’s first year of college. Just stopped watching that season. Recently I’ve gone back and rewatched every episode, except I still stopped at the beginning of sophomore year. I just didn’t like the college years.

Oh man, I am a sympathetic crier (I cry when I see other people crying, regardless of the reason). So it’s a super happy thing, but I’m just crying at work now. At least my office mates are gone for the day so I have semi-privacy.

That show was awesome, so many good shorts. I wish there was something equivalent on tv now.