

I agree. I don't care what other people eat. Why should they care what I eat (as long as it's not cannibalism)?

Yeah, she's nuts. She went full on kosher in college; prior to that she ate all the lobsters. I just don't respond to her at all these days.

I posted a picture of my son playing with a lobster claw (cleaned out) on Facebook and my aunt* flipped out on me about how lobsters were cockroaches and disgusting, and I might as well feed my son Raid.

Me too! Although I wasn't expecting my son's name to make the list. The alternate did though. We really liked the name Mason, partially because my husband (prior to be being a kickass SAHD) was a blacksmith. But we went with a different name, that was my top pick.

How many lines does she have? I only remember 2, maybe 3? It's barely 30 sec of screen time. I know she probably recorded more that were cut, but still, not a lot.

I can't comment on the racial diversity but body diversity can be a problem in a boat. I was a coxswain for a competitive rowing team in Maryland, and I used to cox for a woman's 4 and a men's 4. The women's 4 were amazing and awesome and go goof that they traveled to Europe to compete. They were also relatively

Now playing

Johnny Cash's version of the NIN song "Hurt". I listen to it and just feel.

I'm really surprised they didn't give you any blood transfusions. I hemorrhaged 2L of blood when I gave birth (bp dropped to 50/18) and the doctors immediately ordered 2 bags of blood. Then the next day when I was still really pale I got another 2bags. That extra blood helped sooooo much.

I spent two weeks in Bar Harbor with the rest of my grad class and everyone was all "We have to try lobster ice cream! Just once!" And I was all "No." I'm originally from MA and I LOVE lobster, but it does not belong in ice cream.

I never let my dog off leash. He's cat-reactive and likes to chase anything cat sized or larger (squirrels aren't problems, but deer and foxes are). Since we live in the city but next to a park with lots of deer, cats and foxes I keep him on leash.

It might depend on your kid. My son is super fussy about being wet, and since the cloth doesn't wick the moisture away like disposables, it means that as soon as he pees he needed to be changed. We did a combination of disposable at night, cloth during the day for the first 4 months. But he really prefers the

His hair is far too dry to be just out of the shower and in need of a towel. They should redo these but with wet, just out of the shower Foley. For the people.

When I was a kid I believed in God, but I wasn't Christian. Jews also believe in God, God isn't a Christian only figure, and not everyone believes that God is Jesus's father.

Eye color is a more complicated than a single gene like what they teach in high school, but I think that's okay to simplify for introducing the concepts.

I liked Lincoln Logs, but I remember always being frustrated that I never had enough pieces to make big houses. I wanted like 30 sets so I could make a mansion and I only had enough to make a one room house.

Genetics! Which I learned to love because I really liked punnett squares in freshman bio. Of course I hardly ever do punnett squares anymore, instead I inject RNA into zebrafish embyros and see what happens.

Oh yeah, that sounds annoying. My memoir at 11 would be "I spent the summer reading books. The End."

A successful defense is a successful defense! Congrats to you too! What is your subject?

I also liked things to be right or wrong. I did like english, because at least I could make stuff up (I hated writing essays, but my 9th and 10th grade english teacher let me write a short story in place of the assaigned essay).