And after getting called out on yet another tantrum, he actually (finally!) used the DPA as intended:
And after getting called out on yet another tantrum, he actually (finally!) used the DPA as intended:
Oh, 100%. There’s almost no way to account for testing (being done, or access to supplies, or if the government is reporting it accurately). You gotta work with the numbers you have. Hopefully they all have the same bias. In reality? Some countries are absolutely under-reporting and that could have implications…
In a former life, I worked in a group of epidemiologists, statisticians, and actuaries. I’m not one (I’m a corporate finance guy and data nerd), but I speak their language well enough to get by. That said ...
It’s important to look at the absolute number of cases for reasons like ordering ventilators. You need to know…
The lighting, O Lord, the lighting. I mention this to coworkers and they look at me like I’m nuts. I had a call yesterday where one of the participants had their back to a big window. It was having a shadow on the call. Then today, someone actually said, “Let me move closer to the light,” which I thought was a fine…
I look forward to the livestream of your funeral, you glorious bastard.
Also how likely is if the “real world” we are seeing is really “real”. To me it looks almost to cyberpunk and gritty to me. I’m wondering if it’s somehow just another park, future world.
I would beat this like a rented mule and love very minute of it. I adore the looks and I want more of it. Someone gimme a burlap sack with a dollar sign on it so I can go buy one.
I think he’s just paraphrasing from Denis Leary’s “Asshole”.
I’m actually a little surprised that Disney hasn’t shut down yet. I’m not saying that I think it should, I’m just saying I pretty much expected it to happen by now.
But when you look at the data, it’s not your kids (or mine or anyone’s) that are at risk. The WHO sent a task force to China to mine the data. They looked…
As a parent of youngsters, I totally get it.
Realistically, the best play is not to go. But then again haven’t pulled them out of school and those places are germ factories.
Like I said, I’m super interested in the discussions that are happening at this time. (Chicago just cancelled its St Patrick’s Day parade!)
I assume Dells, but there’s the converted place right near SixFlags as well. Anywho ...
It’s an interesting discussion to have. COVID-19 isn’t transmitted by water (primarily airborne) and they are still testing to see if the concentration of chlorine in pool water is enough to kill the virus (undetermined at this…
Good point.
Leave it to Batman, sorry, THE Batman to come up with something insane (and seemingly impossible).
It’s not a wide-angle V10. It’s a pair of inline-5's glued together. Probably. I think. So that valley you’re staring at while looking for an intake manifold ...that’s not where it goes.
(IDK, I’m just postulating.)
Got to ride shotgun in one of these that was -lightly- modified (about 800hp at the crank) for an extended period of time (Chicago to Indy to Nashville, plus side trips to Tail of the Dragon and Devil’s Triangle). Holy hell, what a ride.
It’s a LOT of car. It’s super heavy. It’ll surprise you (and everyone else) with…
It’s sort of amazing in person. (Here’s hoping the photo actually gets attached.)
Quick question:
Sat in it at the Auto Show preview yesterday. Meh. It’s really tight. Rather than well-bolstered, I’d describe the seats as claustrophobic. The interior was a lot of red. The redesigned shifter was ...gone. They have a tendency to remove those (except on the nicer cars).
Didn’t get to drive it (such is the nature of a…
Why wouldn’t Enterprise pounce on a breach? Because he didn’t provide the information that broke the agreement. TCF did. I honestly have to think that maybe after getting beat previously, their lawyers would sit back and think maybe they should let this one go.
That would be an easy win and virtually any lawyer worth…
I get that he publicized the incident, but he didn’t report the amount of the attempted deposit. TCF Bank is the one who exposed the amount to the Detroit Free Press, so they sure as hell did make that information public.
So, it’s public (or publicly-available) knowledge that he settled with Enterprise and when asked,…
What the shit? Sure, it’s “only” 10% 3rd degree burns, but from the photo, it appears to be mostly on his face/head.
Similar to this kid, a former coworker of mine was also suffered facial scarring as the result of an accident. He had surgery to correct it and now only has a single facial scar (but it’s kinda big -…