
Would he have to return the money even though he’s not the one in breach? Legit question as I’m not privy to the particulars of the confidentiality clause in his settlement with Enterprise.

If he did have to return it, he’s 100% getting all of it and then some from TCF. So while he’d miss the money for a bit, it’s not

I’m just jealous that I’m going to the Chicago Auto Show on 6 Feb and exactly zero of these cars will be there.

Nah, we did this dance once before. You’re like Zion or Waukegan or something. Because I used to be in Antioch and now I’m south of you in Libertyville.

Am I remember this correctly?

This whole thing is a giant mess, but I still contend that Ford did worse than either GM or Chrysler.

Within 3 years of a $49B package from the govt, GM had paid back about half of that. The rest was basically an equity play (the US government owns most of Ally Bank - which used to be GMAC). 

Chrysler paid back all of

That’s no diesel emissions testing in *our* state. ;)
See ya out there!

Getting turned down by every other lender on the planet and finally begging for $9b line of credit from the government is “clever financing”? Ford was in bad shape earlier than GM or Chrysler, so they took money before TARP was really a thing. Then, when GM, GMAC, and Chrysler got into the TARP program, Ford was all

Having owned not one, not two, but THREE of the B5.5 Passats, let me say congrats! I really did love those cars. As a current VW owner and fellow Illinoisan, let me also say yay! (I’ll wave if I ever see you piloting that beast of burden.)

Had a 2005 1.8t 5spd sedan (I think it had the APR Stage 1 tune, also). Never

The IDF door-knockers are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for people movers, no?

Now playing

If you know what you’re getting into *and* you can turn a wrench better-than-average, this should be a good deal. (I get regular seat time in a similar-aged 300ZX, so I’m familiar with all of the goofy-ass electrical gremlins and vacuum hoses that this crop of Japanese sports cars like to throw at you.) The Mitsu

I was all ready to argue that you were simply the wrong guy for the bike, then you said “I’m 6'2" with a 32" inseam, and I sit behind a desk” and I said “Fuck ...that’s me.”

Guess I’ll cross this one off the list. There is a killer Indian shop in town and a huge Harley place just a few minutes past that ...but my buddy


Monoblocks: yes.
Monoblocks on SUVs: no.

They belong on big sedans.

What does the response look like if it were, say, Lizzo calling out CupcakKe?

The funniest part to me (in what you quoted from the other individual) is the “you don’t know who was responsible for rules or codes of conduct”.

Bullshit. Have you ever been to a school board meeting? Or seen a photo or video from a school board meeting? You know who makes up the majority of school board members? I’ll

Actually, butt-candling has been shown to remove exactly the same amount of earwax, so go for it!

You mentioned Lady Trieu dosing her daughter with a liquid form of Nostalgia, but ...

Maybe I’m naive. Maybe I grew up at a time and in a place where I learned. Maybe my parents didn’t do such a bad job. I’m not sure, but dammit I need to ask:

When in the hell is there ever a case, outside of legitimately trying to start a serious fight, for a white person to yell, say, whisper, or sign the N-word?


They probably regularly clip curbs and roll on grassy medium without too much consequence and don’t expect to suddenly find their wheels in the air.

Bring back Kissing Suzy Kolber.

Ford Faroe

Faroe is a small horse (technically a pony due to its height, but trying not to get overly pedantic here) that is known for its remarkable strength. If this thing slots into the small/mid-sized SUV market and has the type of torque associated with electric vehicles, then you get (1) a vehicle name beginning