
The funniest part to me (in what you quoted from the other individual) is the “you don’t know who was responsible for rules or codes of conduct”.

Bullshit. Have you ever been to a school board meeting? Or seen a photo or video from a school board meeting? You know who makes up the majority of school board members? I’ll

Actually, butt-candling has been shown to remove exactly the same amount of earwax, so go for it!

You mentioned Lady Trieu dosing her daughter with a liquid form of Nostalgia, but ...

Maybe I’m naive. Maybe I grew up at a time and in a place where I learned. Maybe my parents didn’t do such a bad job. I’m not sure, but dammit I need to ask:

When in the hell is there ever a case, outside of legitimately trying to start a serious fight, for a white person to yell, say, whisper, or sign the N-word?


They probably regularly clip curbs and roll on grassy medium without too much consequence and don’t expect to suddenly find their wheels in the air.

Bring back Kissing Suzy Kolber.

Ford Faroe

Faroe is a small horse (technically a pony due to its height, but trying not to get overly pedantic here) that is known for its remarkable strength. If this thing slots into the small/mid-sized SUV market and has the type of torque associated with electric vehicles, then you get (1) a vehicle name beginning

Much appreciated. I’ll let you know how it goes.

<sad face emoji>
The office windows don’t open.

I hear ya. I’ve get odd looks for being in short sleeves in the office in January, but the heat’s up so high that I can barely tolerate pants. <insert gratuitous Simpsons quote here>

My wife is always napping in the car. If the drive is more than 10 minutes, forget it. She’s napping.

You see naked mole rat, I see Guild Navigator from Dune.

The next time someone brags about drinking “Henny”, call them out on it. WTF do you think the “H” in LVMH stands for?

I’ve seen all the comments about LV bags being too damned expensive - I agree 100%. Not sure I know anyone who has one. But folks who think that drinking Hennessy means it’s a good night or a real

Could you try telling the same joke from a different ankle? I heel like there have been toe many of these.

Sorry, I was being nit-picky and your frame of reference will certainly depend on when you first started using the product. If it had been out for a bit, you could have easily missed the more gamefied version. (And you wouldn’t have missed much.)

I don’t think it’s a game anymore. The first iteration of Waze was very

ThePriceofEggsinMalta: “Bonus points if the kid turns out to be white!”

It’s semantics, but I’ll argue that marking speed traps wasn’t “the” selling point (as you noted), but it was certainly “a” selling point. The biggest point was the gamefication (no clue if I spelled that correctly or not) of GPS-based driving. Your avatar used to collect Pac-Man style points along the route and that

Fucking hell. Beat me by mere minutes. I’m still gonna star ya for having the same idea. (And why am I still in the grays?)

You could say he really gave her the news ...

I’m getting married next year, and multiple couples have said some variation of, ‘Don’t expect to eat the food at your wedding.’ How much bullshit is this? Yes, there’s a lot going on, but if I’m going to have some astronomically overpriced stations served to people I don’t care about, I’m damned sure going to get my