
I’m also encouraged whenever a large figure in the boardgaming community takes a stand like this. It’s depressing how entrenched racism and bigotry are within the hobby. But it can be a bit of a joy seeing those who react negatively to inclusion expressing how they now feel excluded. Good. 

Grow the fuck up.

With Dragon Quest XI I also had the added bonus of caring about the characters and plot. Which is something I’ve basically been unable to do with Bravely Default 2, and it just makes it harder to have the same patience with the long hauls. 

Well, he was at least kind enough to confirm the bad faith with all of his follow-up replies. lol

Well, at least RDR2 has been uniformly consistent in being disappointing. 

And now for all the regressive man children to puff their chests in comments...

They promised all content updates would be free and supported by only cosmetic, non-gameplay affecting microtractions. Then they started selling boosts and other gameplay affecting items. And after that they started selling a yearly subscription that gated off even more content. 

I generally agree with the main conceit of this article, but there’s also founding to all the comments noting the legacies as already sullied.

Then maybe Bethesda shouldn’t promise things for free after selling a broken and unfinished game?

Considering that white supremacy and the KKK and Nazi party were/are all built upon a pile of conspiracy theories, it’s a sound assumption.

He also lauded the work of John Ostrander, calling his movie a “sequel” to the artist’s run of Suicide Squad comics that captures their “spirit and the lifeblood.”

And nothing of value was lost.

People often excused Trump’s persona as an act in the lead-up to the election. People are dumb. And when it comes to streamers, the whole ‘it’s an act’ angle has yet to play out where it actually was an act. These aren’t actors who trained and studied the craft for years before hitting it big streaming.

Billionaires shouldn’t be allowed to exist.

I’m pretty sure this is just advertising for Peacock and

I’m still confused why Nick Cannon was singling out albinos in the first place. 

I could see this getting patched in time? I hope at least. To bring it to Switch, they had to do some heavy lifting since it has no native support for HTML5. So that port was quite a bit of work for them, something they originally thought wasn’t going to be feasible (I’m so happy they were able to do it.)

Mounting evidence that it wasn’t schtick?

The excuse always lobbed up from fans of these personalities are that it’s all a ‘schtick,’ and comedy. As if all these edge-lord streamers went to school for performance, spent years studying and working their craft. No, as we are seeing again and again, they’re just shitty people.

The scripts and writing are shit and thus, the characters are shit. The new films are built upon a foundation of wet shit.