
None of them should be. And when they occur, the officer should be held liable and accountable. Until there are actual consequences for brutality and all the sadism that was revealed in response to the protests, it doesn’t matter how often it happens. The institution is broken. There are no checks on the behavior. And

Now playing

This has always been a favorite of mine when it comes to modern SNL.

Everything in The Last of Us II takes work. Every weapon reload, killing blow, and crafted item takes time and button presses. At times the game is painfully slow; even in the most action-packed sections you put in effort to move things forward.

Because it’s contextual to the issue this is all revolving around. The entire foundation of our society and economy is built upon the injustice that George Floyd’s killing represents. It is mired within it up to the eyeballs.

Except that out of any other position besides QB, they’re probably the best bet for taking snaps? They’re a skill player whose main job is receiving long snaps, along with short snaps for place holding on field goals. And they’re usually at the center of trick plays on special teams because of this. Not saying it

If you can’t name a single game Maxis, Westwood, or Origin have made, then your credentials as a PC gamer since the 80s should be permanently revoked.

Hey, it had more gameplay than the Xbox presentation last week, so there’s that at least. 

As with all the post launch DLC/Expansions for Civ VI, I’ll be waiting for its inevitable sale by the end of the year. Another $40 is a lot to ask, but they get points for free updates in the meanwhile. And it’s not like I’m at a dearth for content in terms of nations/leaders anyway.

I’m happy this is happening. But

I wouldn’t hold your breath for an update fixing that. 

You’re intentionally neglecting the main factor, that the game is a trash fire to play both mechanically and functionally. 

What talent? It’s someone making their directorial debut and a screenwriter without any previous credits. 

I’ve never heard of any game this team as put out before... which generally doesn’t bode all that well. Because that usually means they’re a kickstarter company that churns out boxes of plastic with mechanics games underneath—and yup that seems exactly like what they are.

But wait... the actual best and worst and weirdest are all the same game. Final Fantasy XIV.

I mean, honestly, get your house in order!

Fallout and Scythe at the top of the list? Even if that has no bearing on ranking, ewwww. Not that solo Scythe is terrible, it’s just not that good either. And that goes for a lot of games on this list. There are far better options out there.

And also putting the LOTR LCG on hereverging on dangerous considering the

Talk to your friends. Always be willing to listen. And know that if you are in a position like this, there is ALWAYS someone who will listen.

Wolcen could be really special and currently offers some things better than any other ARPG. But that also almost makes the bugs even more painful to deal with. Who knows if they’re up to polishing it up? But from their track record in Early Access... I wouldn’t hold my breath.

And the Twitter account has been suspended? 

The quality control on Xbox controllers, both the regular Xbox One and the Elites, is pretty terrible. The non-replaceable battery for the Elite 2 is probably the most boneheaded thing to then pile on top of that reputation.

The quality control on Xbox controllers, both the regular Xbox One and the Elites, is pretty terrible. The

Eh, honestly a lot of modern taillights need to be put on blast. This is one of the last situations where aesthetic design should come before functional design