
If you’re giggling through set-ups and non-punchline/rhythm hits, giggling not at what is being performed but a personal conversation you’re continuing during the act - then yes, it would be bad.

Having ideological or ethical conversations in a capitalistic society without examining related financial gain would be negligent. Don’t mistake the focus on monetary appeasement as turning the discussion any less ideological, it’s asking for some concrete moral response in regards to the non-criminal, but

I’m not talking about “oh, this was the old days, he had some antiquated views like a lotta folks did” kinda racism.

Nintendo should take a fucking hint from this and stop being the cheap, anti-accessibility leaders of the industry. And in most cases, it would take minimal effort on their part.

I know. But if it hadn't already been planned, they would definitely been part of the second Fighter Pass. No one should be surprised by this.

After Three Houses success, did you honestly not see this inevitability? It’s not like there’s going to be a new Smash game anytime soon.

The header photo really makes it look like he pissed himself while in a caffeine induced black out. I want one.

(this is the same auteur behind The Book Of Henry, after all)

The Arkham Horror LCG has been one of the best things they’ve ever done, so I’m not so sure this take pans out all that much.

Mind Flayers are a new addition to the Star Wars canon as far as I can tell. I imagine they’re something like the interrogation chairs Poe and Rey are strapped to in The Force Awakens?

I took the lack of surprise to mean Cyclops was using it as justification. That when they discovered Dr. Manhattan living as a black man, it gave them all the reason they needed to kill him and take his powers. And with the origins of the 7th Calvary being neck deep in white manifest destiny, it was about taking back

Wiping his memory??? He is pure energy,how stupid can you get.

(And except for who the guy was on Angela’s porch in episode 2 or 3 who wanted to see the kids.)

Divinity: Original Sin 2 could make a strong case as being emblematic of the CRPG resurgence. Or in the least, as a companion pick with Mass Effect III’s backhanded place on the list. Representing the source of that hope that choices could truly matter, that had to reassert itself after the countless mainstream

Also, don’t trust online discourse. Especially at a time right now where there’s a major election happening in the UK and everything with impeachment in the US. There are entities within and without that are sowing any division they can. And it’s generally contagious. The internet is going to be an exponential

This is a coherent take, especially in response to a write up that does nothing but laud him. Projecting much with the always mediocre bit?

I don’t know why

Chooseco should consider fucking off. It leads to the best ending for everyone.

He also did The Leftovers. And has publicly stated that there is a resolution for all of this coming and that it’s a contained story like the comic. While also stating that he currently has no intention of doing a second season. That he’d much prefer someone new to do a season of it, for it not to be an owned thing

The ‘Live like a lost boy :)‘ could just be a reference to The Lost Boys and its heroes? Kids stuck in a town overrun with vampires, with little true power themselves, but not willing to give up and join them. Only thing that popped into my head.