who armchair game develop
who armchair game develop
All studies like these show is that by general statistics, those who consume more sugary beverages have higher mortality rates. That increase in chance of death could be less than a single percentage point. And it does not mean there is direct correlation between the sugary drinks and the causes of death. It just…
No fucking shit. Gamers can be some of the most entitled assholes ever. Why the hell would someone want to engage with spoiled shits who armchair game develop, as if content and features are as easy to make as a meme template.
He didn’t frame a legitimate manner, or mention it. He did a blanket statement of anyone who criticizes game development or the state of a released game. And when it comes to direct personal attacks, he was generally worse. He did nothing but escalate and degrade, in the same vein as he started. JudgmentKazzy was an…
No fucking shit. Gamers can be some of the most entitled assholes ever. Why the hell would someone want to engage with spoiled shits who armchair game develop, as if content and features are as easy to make as a meme template.
You asked a question, then built your own answer to it, to then label me as defending those who make death threats to discredit any response I make in contention. That’s a straw man argument. And you’re also rewriting the entire context of this thread and OP retroactively, when even the article above wasn’t solely…
No, he’s framed himself as attacking people who he labels and construes as defending death threats. And then continues to attack them when the topic is no longer on the conduct of people in the community, conduct that comes in a wide spectrum and isn’t just the death threats on the extreme. He’s disregarded any sense…
But that isn’t what the majority of the content of his rants are. They are made up of insults, generalizations, and demands for others to ‘use their brain’ or just stop engaging. He’s screaming his immature throat raw with demands of silence and throwing out accusations of supporting death threats if anyone dares not…
It sucks that the internet is this way and people are this way. But this isn’t unique to gaming. Most other industries, even minor ones, don’t have this kind of go between customers and ‘developers.’ Nor do they have the online social spaces and media to support the concentration and echoing of opinion. It’s new…
You’re as much part of the toxicity and represent another form of entitlement, just on the other extreme. Keep putting yourself and your views on a pedestal above others you’re communicating to and generalizing. It really makes you look like a stable adult.
I think you’re mistaken with how you’ve framed the argument that wider social acceptance was what led to the wider interest from the other demographics. No, the social acceptance of the hobbies and growth of social media led to a light being turned on. A light shone directly upon the bigotry and gate-keeping that has …
A yes, a gaming blog advertising smoking paraphernalia towards children. I'd expect nothing less.
A yes, a gaming blog advertising smoking paraphernalia towards children. I'd expect nothing less.
Wow, he did all that without any of it being said within his comment? That’s very impressive. Or it’s, you know, actually just a really bad comment?
I don’t think
Honestly, even Anthem’s gameplay is arguably an improvement upon Borderlands. I don’t understand the rose tinted glasses when it comes to that series. The combat was flat and uninspiring. It’s loot game was the only highlight and even that was flaccid most of the time.
The division 2 is a straight copy and paste job of part 1 with slight changes.
You’re not missing anything of worth here.
The demos felt like really poor representations of what I’ve played today. I don’t know if it was just performance issues on their back end or what, but the game is playing smoothly without hiccups in its full form. Well, besides some odd animations with dead enemies, but I think that might be a sync issue with other…
I’m excited. Octavia Spencer is so damn watchable and one of my favorite actors currently working.
Don’t take this the wrong way but I have a little advice for you - you don’t need to take intentional PR speech that isn’t intended for you personally. This isn’t a lie about game mechanics, or monetization, or playable content. It’s neutral, subjective side stepping that’s obviously there to appease someone who isn’t…