Environmental recreations from photos or video are going to be insane when they’re near automated. Let alone with the fidelity that'll also be there at that time.
Environmental recreations from photos or video are going to be insane when they’re near automated. Let alone with the fidelity that'll also be there at that time.
They’ll apparently add an ‘update’ at the end of the article, but leave the title to lure in clicks. Why have integrity when you can drum up outrage and likely mislead people? I mean, they kinda played their hand when they sourced this all upon a Daily Star article in the first place.
He was a Star Trek player. Four roles, four different species. That’s usually a small sign on an actor’s resume that they’re both really good and also really inconspicuous about it.
There’s been outcry about the shop mounts since their addition to the WoW.
Corsair launched a few well over a year ago. There are numerous on the market now from other companies that were released over the last year. Not that true 16000 dpi actually has any effective use over 12000 dpi in any field. Anyone who says it does is delusional, or uses an IMAX screen as a monitor.
Corsair launched a few well over a year ago. There are numerous on the market now from other companies that were…
There are far better mice out there for the same price or less. And far more durable and reliable too. They also have nothing to do with Razer.
There are far better mice out there for the same price or less. And far more durable and reliable too. They also…
That’s completely understandable. Salt can be extremely important in baking. Not just for the flavor, but also for how it interacts with gluten and yeast.
I assume you’ve never baked before? Or felt the need to control how salt enters a recipe? Or preferred a type of salt?
You have brought a great shame upon yourself and your family. Now go buy a pint of ice cream and eat it while contemplating what you’ve done.
Not really, when it comes to a digital storefront at least. And when it comes to hardware, Razer’s problems aren’t industry standard. Especially in regards to mice.
Not really, when it comes to a digital storefront at least. And when it comes to hardware, Razer’s problems aren’t…
Pretty sure he’s just a troll. Most of his comments on pieces align with this type of garbage contribution.
Even considering this mouse would also require me to consider supporting Razer as a company, and that’s not going to happen. Their shady digital store front has not helped their image, nor has their attempt to carrot and stick their customers to mine crypto for them in return for a special store ‘currency.’ They were…
Even considering this mouse would also require me to consider supporting Razer as a company, and that’s not going to…
You just took their statement completely out of context and misinterpreted it. If you read and actually soak in the second sentence, and I assume you did because you chose to quote it as well, it provides additional context that clarifies the far more severe initial statement. They said that the only thing lungs are…
If it was purely about financing them on their own, the costs of these microtransactions would be pennies on the dollar seen here. Stop conflating their overhead with their projected earnings as if they’re struggling to produce this content or provide these services or they put even a sliver of their profits towards…
The cash injection once afforded by an 80 USD SNES cart is no longer sufficient to sustain the operational costs of developers, so they’ve had to find ways to further monetize their products.
That’s half of their goal. They intend to rewrite history. They intend to co-opt the truth so they can wield falsehood as a hammer to prop up their envisioned reality. And they thrive on individuals who are already susceptible to such things, or yearn for them. Fascism is built upon a weakness of character and…
What the hell does someone criticizing an objectively bad game do to stop those people from having ‘their fun’? Honestly, this argument in response to legitimate complaints about something is the most asinine and pathetic plea there could be. If your ‘fun’ is dependent upon the thing you’re doing not having any…
Windshields are designed to break from the inside. If you’re ever ejected from your seat or flung forward hard enough, you’d the your windshield to give when you hit it.
None of my comma use was inappropriate. It would be personal taste on whether or not it was necessary to separate that appositive phrase. It’s not actually serving any necessary descriptive function, there’s no question of who its directed it at, and is merely a stylistic redundancy. It’s almost as if it was conversat…
Your sentence construction separated two different instances of paying with a comma. If you’re trying to argue that you were forming an intentionally redundant complex clause, you should at least admit that no one is going to read it like that without some guidance. And if you examine your previous descriptions of the…