
It’s because our conception of post-apocalyptic is all wrong, especially post-nuclear apocalypse - flora has no problems thriving in irradiated areas. Outside of complete and extreme ecological collapse in one temperature direction or the other, the crippling of human civilization is going to see flora flourish.

Far more than just the game industry sadly. Dodging taxes at the expense of employees and anything resembling respect for the communities that nurtured and built any profitable company is seemingly inevitable these days.

Those circumstances are not drastically different than the current situation Battlefront 2 is in, minus it not being monetized until just recently.

Considering how they treated Andromeda after the game didn’t meet expectations, received a vocal backlash, but still sold fine, I’m guessing their ongoing development budget is on fumes for this. This isn’t a self-aware company who cares about its customers and the playerbases that keep their online only titles

Don’t try so hard. Just enjoy.

I love roguelike and card-based games

It must be nice to live a life so so devoid of “pure emotional terrorism”, that voluntarily subjecting yourself to two hours of it sounds like an entertaining thing to do.

I can’t help but feel that the unrefined art direction reflects an unrefined game underneath.

After this game blew up for them and turned into quite the success, they’ve said there’ll be a ton of post-release content added into the game. That the ‘actual’ release will only be them meeting their initial goals, but that a lot will be done down the road as well and they’ll keep building the game up similar to how


She died. That was the implied ending I got. I found the opening lines to pretty strongly cement him as an unreliable narrator, or more specifically an optimistic narrator:

I’d give FF14 a go. In the realm of MMOs worth playing, it’s at the top.

instead of allowing the bigoted martinet FBI man to live, and thus deal with what is, for him, an earth-shattering epiphany regarding the monster’s divine like nature, we’re meant to cheer the monster’s decision to slash the bigot’s throat and leave him for dead

No, I don’t. How did you infer that? Their metaphor lacked a logical support for the point they were trying to make. I was laying it bare by doing the simple extrapolation of equivalence they were lazily pushing as a poor argument.

The creator in question here will profit on sales. The Nazi regime of 1940s Germany

I’m not going to stop drinking Fanta because it was created under the Nazi regime.

It’s kinda magical. I don’t think a game has made me mutter ‘Oh, go fuck yourself’ to the screen this often, but then have me boot it up instantly for another go. It’s not even truly frustration. And probably aimed at myself as much as the board’s current circumstances. Knowing another game is only a couple clicks and

The sand is orange, the soil that surrounds it in the garden of the heart-shaped-flower is orange. I think it is. Also consider that he was on death’s door while in the snow and that the ancestral plane appears visually different during his experience in the snow than it did the initial trip.

One thing I will point out that a lot of people seem to be overlooking, something I find interesting - the sand used during the Ancestral Plane/empowering ceremony is orange.

I am VERY wary of people who insist they tip double when they split entrees, because most foodservice employees (myself included) experience the exact opposite.

I never understood some people’s aversion to doggie bags.