
This game’s kickstarter predated Deliverance’s by nearly a year. And they’ve been pretty open about pushing back the official release date. I think you’re just reading into things heavily since this is a game that was intended to be out there long before next month.

There’s also a pretty big hurdle to get over in animating like that for HD, on that scale. It’s more expensive, takes way more time and more people. And it’d be doing that at a time where that kind of talent and work is more scarce and expensive than it would have been two decades ago.

Someone doesn’t know how to properly use some one :( 

The answer to your question is: ‘Yes, you are the problem, and you represent a cancer long plaguing the gaming community.’

But 2/3 of that game is unfinished, untuned, and full of bugs. The additional tilesets that were promised, the completion of the other locations, the continuation of story missions, all of that is no where to be seen. Keep in mind that this game was supposed to be released sometime early this year. It’s a bullshit

This has been one of the best written DC books since Rebirth. But yeah, your one panel examination of a book purposefully written to read like it has been translated from Mandarin into English, except where the text specifically indicates English words, it changes my opinion completely. I can’t believe I let the

What are you talking about? Five on the line over center, a receiver out each side on the line. Then one receiver in the slot to the left and three in the back.

Though this lifetime ban is a bit absurd considering how inactive they were for well over a year in limiting cheating in The Division. They let it flourish in the darkzone and ruin the game for well over a year before they even decided to take steps to see if they could implement anything to combat it. Limp measures

Jared Leto’s character was a thing I either wanted less of or more of. I think less could have been done without hurting the final product, but plot wise everything he’s there for is worthwhile in the end. He was the biggest mystery for me when it came to the film and I loved it, not truly knowing anything while him

Or making a whole lot of Gil considering some of the growing chains net some of the most profit the game has to offer.

Mainly damned if you don’t. Those players should be given a timetable to relinquish multiple properties and be compensated for them. They shouldn’t be allowed to resell. The current system is still locking out the vast majority of players who’ve never owned a house and there’s still no solution in sight to offer them

Probably? Dude, if you’re going to jokingly armchair something like this at least understand that the Super Bowl is the peak event for human trafficking in the whole world.

The game is also going to go from almost completely lacking animations to being full of them, which will change the visual stature of almost all the art assets without truly modifying them. This along with continued additions, the game is going to be an entirely different beast as things move on.

One of the worst videos I’ve watched in a long time. This was painful and annoying and just plain stupid.

Well, it’s relative. No one ever expected the game to be an actual flop, but I’m betting internally it’s looked at as a major failed opportunity. They’ve missed out on at least two months of microtransactions and took an additional PR hit in relation to any economic models they put out from now on. And no matter how

As a prolonged short, it’s a waste of the animation. There’s no growth, nothing is learned, it’s all just gratuitous in the end. That’s fine for a short bit, but even a five minute comedy sketch generally has superficial development for the characters if no plot. This was ultimately just empty and mean.

From a company that’s been making card and board games for a couple decades. God, it’s so terrible! I mean, this game has been out in physical form for six years. Jeeez.

This game has been around for six years in physical form. But yeah, great comment. You’re so observant.

Well, there’s not much story there. And considering the cartoonish enemies of the game, this thought passed from my mind pretty early on in the game. Each of the factions are shown to be murderous and flat out evil in their treatment of what citizens are left, let alone the first responders/law enforcement. It’s a

I don’t understand how anyone can eat at McDonalds.