
When did I ever say cosmetic loot boxes were okay? Your point seems to rest upon the perspective that pointing out the difference between purely cosmetic carrots and game affecting ones is in support of them. It isn’t. Nor is it the slippery slope you frame. It’s merely the objective differentiation of them and what

The ‘it’s just cosmetics’ is a worthwhile thing to note in this overall conversation, especially any critical analysis of a game and not just the philosophical issue of specific game systems. Does that predatory practice affect ones ability to perform in the core game systems? That’s an important question to ask and

Ah, I forgot this would all be through the system account on a console. Main reason I’d never invest in an online only f2p game on one.

It also fails to underline that those rewards dry up quickly and that if you’re spending all you credits on heto unlocks, you’re not progressing at all otherwise since all that’s locked in the lootboxes.

Credits earned through non-end of match rewards drastically drop off after the initial challenges and achievements are finished. You’re going to unlock a hero or two quickly, but then it’s going to be an ever grindier grind. Not to mention when they start throwing the ‘free’ dlc on top of everything that’ll just

If it comes down to it, call your card provider and request a chargeback for the purchase.

There wont be. Never. You’ll see a drastic price drop/discount or addition to EA/Origin Access before you see any meaningful alterations to the progression system. After release, they’ll be exponentially more interested in getting more players in the game than they will be altering the game systems beyond their peak

I’m astounded by the number of people who couldn’t read the sarcasm of your post. This is nearly as sad as the gating in BF2 to drive microtransactions.

Honestly though, everyone attacking/trying to argue with you should really reexamine themselves in a mirror. Get a grip people.

One thing I do wish I could get back, not just my age when I first dived into UO and EQ as a young teen, but not knowing what the hell I was doing. Honestly, I want to be overwhelmed and engrossed like I was, getting smacked in the face with wonder and overwhelmed with the effort needed to get over my ignorance of

they already have your money.

Why are you being a passive platform promoting anything connected to PewDiePie? Seriously, fuck off with this. He doesn’t deserve you marketing for him. You just lost all the respect I had for you Patricia :/

Romo’s commentary on the cat’s running technique was the highlight of the night. And joking aside, the cat actually did make the highlight reel at the end of the game. Which is a good encapsulation of the game, since it earned it.

Destiny 2 launched with magnitudes more content than vanilla Destiny. I think at some point we need to reflect on these ‘many glaring flaws’ and consider how many of them are the community and how it consumes games. I have no sympathy for people who put in 50+ hours in the first week of a game and find themselves in a

Man, crowdfunding is the worst, amirite everyone? It’s such a scam and only leads to disappointment.

Seriously though, I’m always extremely interested in how any positive coverage of crowd-sourced games usually omits that piece of information. But any delays, set-backs, or disappointments flaunt it like it’s sewed

One of the best parts of it, in my opinion, is that you’re not only getting predetermined cards in the boosters/expansions, you always get the maximum allotted copies of each card. So, with each purchase you’re completing that part of the game’s collection for use. And since this game is asymmetrical (opposing sides

Do you have Prime? It lowered for me.

Do you have Prime? It lowered for me.

I would rather find that out back in elementary school when the risks and dangers are next to nil

This argument completely ignores one of this piece’s main points - a majority of people treating these kids like shit online aren’t bad people, nor do they consciously realize what they are doing most of the time. And on top of that the norm in many online communities to shun and silence kids as non-entities, another

I don’t see how this is going to be any more inviting for the ‘wait till it’s finished’ camp. I imagine that type of crowd will take the doubling of the price as a slight, just as much as the concept of paying for an ‘unfinished’ product bothered them enough to abstain.

There’s a long standing burger chain in the Seattle area called Dick’s Drive-In. I always try to go out of my way to eat a bag of dicks when I pass through.