
And they’re somehow only two games under .500 in what has turned into a very competitive American League this year. This is an insanity that’s being widely overlooked right now, well more specifically how much depth they have on offense with their revolving door of a DL.

Due to repeated failures of crowdfunded projects, I have been trained to assume that all crowdfunded projects are most likely to fail. This is the safe assumption. Crowdfunding as a whole needs to clean up their act if they would like to change my opinion.

But what evidence is there for sharing that doubt as if it’s a likely outcome?

What evidence is there for doubt? They officially released Chaos Reborn a year and half after its campaign closed. Early access was playable and substantial within a year.

Is someone at Deadspin going to follow this up with a similar piece about performance enhancing drugs and juicing? Are they going to go to a gym, seek out steroids and give them a whirl to see what the process is like and how they affect their game?

Like, I get the end goal you’re aiming for here. To dive into that

The original PS3 was also backwards compatible at launch and functioned as a bluray player when they still cost hundreds of dollars at the time. Like, the original PS3 model at launch was competitive just within the bluray player market, completely ignoring it being a gaming console. I see no analog for comparison to

The major difference here has to do with the audience for said trashtalking of the lowest order. With almost every sport, it is not done in the public arena. It’s face to face before, during, or after a game at the location of competition. Anything said publicly to the press or through social media is universally held

I’m pretty sure it’s happening. It’s just waiting for the official announcement. Blizzard did a bit of hiring last year focused around the ‘preservation of their classic games’ and one of those posts was for a team leader who loves everything Diablo.

And this is why I’ll never touch EVE online with a 10 foot pole. This appears to be a normal approach for a small portion of the player base. To add on top of this, CCP seems to defend this kind of behavior. Just, no.

All Original Sin had going for it was its unique turn based combat and a superficially malleable world. Too bad it was almost ruined by it’s horrendous writing, flat characters, and tedious quest gating. It aped at a lot of great things of the past, but instead they all turned into roadblocks to enjoying what good

I teach English. An HD is proper. A High Definition is proper if you’re using the full form of the acronym. Since you pronounce HD ‘aitch dee’ the an is correct. The only argument that could be made is that in text the use of the acronym can be intended as its long form. But, and this is a huge but, that’d be absurd

Sadly, that was more it being a terrible overall reveal and presentation than an issue with disconnected overpricing. That version of the Playstation 3 was a steal for what it provided at the time.   

You’re a dog person, aren’t you?

You’re a self-righteous blowhard. You demand apologies online after you belittle people in some imagined equivalence of justice. You’re the smug prick running around here who can’t take the same underhanded comments you lob about, in turn taking extremely personal jaunts given even the slightest window. There’s

Why do you have such a personal reaction to the comment that Overwatch ‘has something for everyone’? There’s pretty strong objective evidence for this more so than most any other title out on the market today. It’s fine that you don’t enjoy the game, or multiplayer games, or any type of game. But to take that and

I’m sorry that Overwatch slept with your wife and ruined your already troubled marriage. <3

It does. It has something for everyone who matters. It just apparently doesn’t have something for sour people who don’t like fun.

Again and again, I’m tempted to purchase Hitman. Then I’m reminded of the elusive targets mechanic and that interest bottoms out to nothing. I just can’t support this kind of philosophy on game content. One offs are dumb. One offs on a specified timer are dumber.

And? So are you.

It didn’t ignore that difference. Nor did it ignore the difference of Casey Affleck having his older brother and Matt Damon along for the ride on his press tour. It tried to figure out the numerous things that set the two apart, especially when there is an active pattern to Affleck’s behavior versus Parker where it’s