
My read of that article was less, you don’t need to see this film, and more the film doesn’t step out of the shadow of Casey Affleck’s actions. And that there is also a glaring issue at play when Parker’s Birth of the Nation got torpedoed while Affleck and Manchester now seem to be walking unscathed towards awards

This was glorious. On a side note, I’ve always found it unfitting to refer to NFL linemen as fat guys. I see fat people every day. None of them carry around the amount of muscle these guys have. Nor have the cardio to approach and set at the line a handful of times in a row, let alone follow that with some sumo hand

Maybe you should worry less about the content of articles on Kotaku, and more about your own reading comprehension? :D

Punctuation. Capitalization. Sentences. Paragraphs. Anything. Please, dear god, anything. Make this go away. Make this stop.

If you’re referring to cuck, you’re defanging it quite a bit. Its origin and use currently is nearly identical to the blanket use of homophobic slurs in the past. It’s based purely around questioning traditional masculinity and using it as an derogatory label. It’s far more than calling someone a dick, prick, or

The Sennheiser 350SE pair I purchased a year ago is one of the best decisions I’ve made in terms of gaming. Which makes sense, I’ve had a pair of their headphones I’ve been using for eight years, of which they’ve repaired the cushions from wear for no charge.

The black friday sale following the release/coverage of this mode didn’t hurt the game numbers either. Not sure if it was planned for release in this way, but it certainly seemed to work in their favor.

Well, at least Street Fighter V was upfront about their intentions, to degrees. They announced from the beginning that it was going to be the base for continued development through 2020. They just glossed over the magnitude in which it was a work-in-progress at release, and sorely misjudged expectations/patience.

It’s been a relief to read all the very positive (and honest) reviews that are coming out today. All the build up to this release was a bit rough at times and reading some articles mentioning that this could be the last FF was just depressing. I spent $480 to play this game. I did a similar thing for XIII. I’d hope

You’re not wrong. And at least a lot of the current AI wonkinesss comes out of a sincere attempt to do something about the series long issue. I’m much more comfortable with the non-random, non-AI mechanics they’ve plugged in that can seem crazy - but always have objective ways to engage. I’m much more optimistic about

The companies have completely different design principles though. GGG puts out an insane amount of content, but a large amount of that content is purposefully intended to break the game and force new metas and balancing in response. It’s a continuous ongoing process that though rewarding, can be extremely frustrating

It’s really too bad that this is being handled by the garbage pail that is Stardock. Won’t ever give them another dime of my money. It’s sad. Loved me some Star Control 2.

You’re not triggered though. You’re joining in on the misuse of a term that isn’t anymore clever than how it was used in the first place. Triggers are real, but the manner in which the internet throws around that word now does nothing but discount the reality.

Nietzsche’s relationship with the opposite gender is one of the most interesting things about him for me. Dude had issues with sexuality for certain. His back and forth from praise of the female gender, verging on worship, to full bore old fashioned sexism is dizzying at times.

You’re mistaken. They’re bundled together now and it’s still a $60 purchase for the ‘collection’ or $50 for 1 & 2 and Minerva’s Den. At least know what you’re talking about before you go on a rampage of dumb for god knows what reason.

Eh. I don’t know if I’d go as far to say they’ll never use it again. There are more Star Wars stories coming. In all likelihood we’ll have a television series at some point down the road. And again, as mentioned already - this is a galactic scale war, different theaters, different equipment and production sectors. Yes

Awesome. I’d buy an HD release of any of their core games from the 90s on. I wouldn’t even second guess dropping upwards of like $30-35 on them. Though I’d imagine they’ll aim in the $20 range. I’d love to get the Warcraft trilogy, hell I’d drop a $60 on that without blinking.

Between physical and digital versions, I

Why call this Prey? Ug. Why design a predominately Caucasian protagonist and try to convince us he’s Chinese? Why not, you know, design a Chinese protagonist? Why make an unrelated ‘reboot’ that forces me to put this game under the microscope? Why does Bethesda seem to want to always shoot itself in the foot, even

Trauma. At least that’s the reason I’m sober. Not that the trauma had anything to do with my drinking. It was merely my cat disappearing and not coming home or showing up at any of the local shelters. Maybe it was the grieving more than the trauma, but a week went by of misery and searching and I realized that I

The more time I spend with this game, the more and more I start thinking about it as not only the best single player shooter ever made but one of the best games in general. Even if it didn’t have the history of the series behind it, just wow. And the history only makes it shinier. We’ve been spoiled the last two