
Huh? The problem with season 2 had nothing to do with Vaughn, it was the writing. There’s no right way to deliver half the lines he was given in the first half of episodes. As a whole, he was actually somewhat refreshing for what he and the others were given to work with and the least himself he’d been in a long time.

Wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case. Working with people you don’t get along with/don’t like is easy when things are fully scripted, but being genuine in the company of such people can be difficult when they’re not. Let alone the greater work environment he’s tarnishing.

You’d have to check the 1984 rulebook, when they were used.

Since moving to windows 10 from 7, I’ve ran into no issues with programs not working. None. Maybe this was an issue last year during the initial roll-out, but I’m seeing no evidence of compatibility issues. Hell, even GoG games that I had trouble running on 7 run with no issues on 10.

Your post is verging on complete

And there are probably just as many people who unsuccessfully get over the hurdles, but don’t request a refund. Europa III was that for me, but I didn’t regret the purchase or the time I spent trying to get a grip on things - I saw what the game could be and it still impressed me. I realized it was my inability to

It’s oddly distressing to me that there are two people on a gaming site that don’t recognize Tifa. It’s not that old is it? Is it...? :(

Whenever I see these recreations in Fallout 4, all I can think is, ‘Good lord this game is ugly.’ This engine has looked dated since Skyrim’s release, I still can’t believe they just tooled it for Fallout 4.

Another counter for Reinhardt’s shield - using Junkrat, if you can get close enough you can toss his shift mine (the knockback mine) over the shield and detonate it to toss everyone behind it and Reinhardt himself in different directions. If done right it can send Reinhardt right into your team. Getting close can be

Stop telling George to finish his book. Get off his back. He owes you nothing. Being a ‘writer’ you should understand this more than most. You don’t want a forced product. And you wouldn’t want to do that to another writer.

He should attempt something more challenging. Like trying to get any form of technical support from Bethesda. That’d take true god-like abilities.

Can run the game on Ultra with 80+ FPS (and by that I mean no drops below 80, and getting lower than the high 90s is rare and takes heavy particle effects). But can’t get

The last time I used a Jiffy Lube (had to go on an impromptu road trip and needed an oil change done immediately), I came back to find my car parked away from the other vehicles in their lot directly up into the corner of their L shaped building. I paid, got in my car and drove to pick up my friend. When I arrived, my

They provided enough context to imagine that Bronn just went back to his castle. He’s rich now. Got himself a wife, land. He can be living the good life until he’s needed for whatever plot line that provides enough leverage for the character and doesn’t involve Cersei.

I’ve always found the majority of their work to be on the side of boring, if not sometimes humorous, but almost always lazy. This card game hasn’t changed that perception.

Took part in the alpha/beta. Stopped spending time with it when things started crumbling for the studio. Got the e-mail earlier today announcing this, felt positive about it until I read Perfect World.

Good on Paradox. On a related side note, fuck Totalbiscuit.

The new MOO plays like a very casual 4x. It’s pretty and hits some of the buttons you’d like, but it does not add anything to the genre. The depth just isn’t there. It doesn’t have much fight to offer against the countless middle ground 4x’s that have been released in the past decade.

Or a larger understanding of the ‘war’ that is coming. The place of Winter or even the Others as a whole. There’s a lot he could come back with, especially if his resurrection was by the hand of the god(s). Euron was far too believable when he said, ‘I am the Drowned God, Brother.’ And then there was the Three Eyed

The webbing is there to catch the ball, after it is initially taken into the center of the glove. The palm of the glove is padded for this, you’re not supposed to take it directly into the palm of your hand, but deflect it into the webbing or pocket. This can also be done in the opposite manner, depending on the

The constitution does not protect your speech from retaliation by private entities or the public. It protects you from the government. Get this through your head. Unless ESPN broke a law in his firing or voided a contract unlawfully, they did something they had the right to do. Nothing about this hinges on his free

Hmph. This just doesn’t feel well developed as a game, let alone a kickstarter campaign. The stuff they’ve demo’d in videos is extremely uninspiring, and the greater majority of the gameplay isn’t even defined in any real way yet. With the price they’re asking, along with undefined stretch goals (along with vague