
Alex St. John seems like someone who has never been punched in the face, or not punched in the face enough. What I’m saying is I want him to be punched in the face. I used the hypothetical concept that it might help him learn something and change his behavior, but that’s not really my desire. I just want him to be

It’s really too bad that Stardock is the publisher.

Huh? I thought it was great. Had no framerate issues (was pushing 100+ and I’m not on a miracle machine). No lag. As a small slice of the pie, I thought it offered the most refreshing doom/quake-like I’ve played in forever. I don’t see how a comparison to Unreal can be a bad thing for this game’s multiplayer. Unreal

Thankfully Paradox Interactive seems to be the perfect match for Obsidian, holding them in the same regard. They helped out with the distribution Pillars of Eternity, apparently taking almost no profit, which allowed Obsidian to focus their resources on completing the game. This probably also led directly into the

I’ve been having a great time with Paragon. It’s getting a few games out of me each day (if time allows) and I’m enjoying the rhythms I’m finding. The deck building in place of an item store is refreshing enough, and I haven’t gone into buying cards with Reputation yet, going purely off the unlocks rewards. There

They’re going to have a difficult time finding any sane legal representation that’d take on this case for them.

The backgrounds are sourced from 2D, but when implemented in game they are mapped and rendered in 3D and touched up by hand. It’s still an isometric view, but everything is technically rendered in 3D to match the rest of the game’s assets.

I didn’t see any mention of the isometric viewpoint. Just the size of the people in the shot. Sorry, took this as ignorance to the game already being rendered in 3d, which it is. Considering how far you could zoom in with Pillars, that shot is multiple screens worth of background.

Did you just ignore the sentence that refers to all of them as screenshots? Pillars of Eternity was packed with just as impressive sights. I have no clue what reality you’re speaking of here.

As a movie or story, it looks like complete garbage that has nothing to say. Shock for the sake of it, just spectacle with no justification. The entire format removes any threat towards the protagonist. The point of view can’t be altered to create tension or depth. I honestly don’t see the draw here besides gimmick.

Your inability to sniff out a poor campaign doesn’t = all kickstarter campaigns are poor. There’s also a huge difference between a campaign offering your a free demo and the scattered proof of concept that was Unsung Story’s.

Why is this an article? It’s just a re-posting of a reddit/imgur post. What did you do? Clip Geralt and Triss into a horizontal header? And not only are you throwing this up without any additional text besides the ‘if,’ you’re not commenting on the impossibility of getting all these actors in the same film? Christ

It still functioned as a reboot of Mad Max, which is one of the things that makes it a great film. His character arc is supporting, he’s accepting himself again, his name, his sympathy of others. And it works even better resting behind Furiosa’s story, which is the main cause of everything that happens to him. All the

Yes, I’d take Ubisoft over EA any day of the week. And I’m using them for effect there, I’d rather Ubisoft have the rights to Star Wars than EA - it’d be joyous even though Ubisoft still generally sucks.

Hell, even ubisoft produces games that have heart to their design. So pretty much almost any of them.

In respect to the IP itself, it was a mismanagement. I wasn’t talking the monetary value of it. I’d rather have nothing produced than the soulless garbage EA will make to milk money from parents across the globe. And sadly, that’s all they’re going to do. They closed the doors on ever getting interesting, confident,

Seriously. Or anything resembling a good, whole game. One whose purpose for existing isn’t whoring out the IP to sell DLC for a half-ass multiplayer snooze-fest. Disney’s largest mismanagement of Lucasfilm was selling the game rights exclusively to EA. There won’t be lovingly made Star Wars games anytime in the

I’m relieved support for Edgar is gaining momentum, not just publicly but in the vote itself. Hopefully his continued presence as the M’s hitting coach will continue to add some fire to this, especially if they can have a decent couple of seasons offensively. There was a drastic jump after he came on mid-season last

1. John Williams’ score is on par with his best work.

I’m not a fan of the layout of his death. It’s not clear or obvious until the kick. It’s poor pacing in the way of information. For a moment that should be clear and shocking, it’s anything but. The splash with the laser decapitation is hideous.