I don’t consider $20-60 every few weeks an economical/financial decision vs. how I would otherwise use my disposable income. It’s just that, disposable, probably because I’m responsible with my economical/financial decisions on a whole.
I don’t consider $20-60 every few weeks an economical/financial decision vs. how I would otherwise use my disposable income. It’s just that, disposable, probably because I’m responsible with my economical/financial decisions on a whole.
Caveat emptor. I’ve backed nearly forty projects and all of them have delivered, with five active and on track without any red flags. I’ve only had three projects that were unreasonably late/concerning, but they still ended up delivering.
It’s kinda bothering me that the the film isn’t brought up in the article. It’s not just shopping in some of the monsters from The Mist, but doing it in a an environment that matches the film’s.
This Yes really feels forced, especially with all the caveats and negatives that are brought up throughout the review.
Whenever I watch the greats play, it reminds me how I’m like a toddler making poor attempts to hit a baseball on a tee in comparison. I’ll always be blown away by the skill ceiling in this game.
It wasn’t Shakespeare, but the pile of retreads, cliche, and sloppy staging in these games has made it appear to be as much. The original had betrayals and loss that actually stuck, the characters went through real arcs and had plausible motivations. Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Storm basically undid half of…
It lived up to Baldur’s Gate and Planescape for me, and then some. Great writing. Refined RTwP. Just play on the Path of the Damned difficulty if you’re familiar with the combat, otherwise you’ll probably speed through things without issue.
Something to understand about comedy - nothing is sacred and you avoid portraying true enthusiasts of anything. Any characterization of an enthusiast will ultimately be purposefully degrading or fit contextually for very specific, arcane jokes. Keep in mind, Conan performs as a caricature of himself, he might actually…
What’s this all add up to? My gut is that this is one to avoid if you only play solo, but that it’s pretty fun in multiplayer.
They’ve been very open about the possibility, while also underlining that current development is solely focused on PC. That any port over would be down the road after they’ve established the game they want first.
Have they done anything to change or fix Runes? I always found them to be severely cumbersome and kinda pointless. The last time I attempted to return to LoL, all my rune set-ups were reset. Couldn’t care enough to set up new templates, being completely ignorant of the current meta. So I uninstalled and went back to…
He’s made a number of amazing movies. I think it’s more that you can watch them and even if they’re not amazing, they’re going to still be beautiful, unique, and engrossing. A lot of it is the complete lack of cynicism, his Romanticism, the hammiest lines are still so damn sincere.
I actually quite enjoyed Hunnam in Pacific Rim, but I get what you’re saying. There definitely could be a better performance there. But even in Crimson Peak, it didn’t bother me all that much. A lot of comes down to Del Toro’s approach, his modern Romanticism just charms the hell out of me and Hunnam fits well within…
The game mechanics, sure. But the writing and the world are a joke in comparison, and not that funny of one either - kinda lazy actually and off-putting. It’s a game I love, but good lord did I struggle to get through anything that wasn’t related to combat or world-manipulation. I have never killed more NPCs or…
The base is decent, but that’s about it. The game pales in comparison to countless modded set-ups. And that game engine in vanilla... its limitations aren’t hidden very well. Nor is the game’s story anything to write home about. It’s a wonderful experience while it lasts, but it’s no where near a best consideration.
I love strategy games and Paradox’s titles, but being honest about them. They’re not friendly, they’re not very interactive at first, and they’re the opposite of intuitive. I didn’t actually start enjoying their games until I’d put in upwards of 20 hours or so in multiple attempts to get my head around all the…
I wish Divinity had the writing of Pillars. Good lord was pushing myself through that ‘story’ hard. I’ve never loved a game so much that also made me utterly disinterested in 90% of the world and characters. The majority of it felt as if it was getting in the way of the beautiful game mechanics.
Loot in Original Sin is randomized, which means that if you’re feeling like exploiting the game, you can quicksave in front of an unopened chest, open it, then quickload if you don’t like what you get. Each time you load, there’ll be different stuff in the chest. Kinda takes some of the fun out of gathering equipment,…
PvP felt like a real mess to me around launch. Became stale really fast.
When the game was first released, it was charming for a month or so but quickly became a hollow and uninspired experience. I’ve heard it’s only improved though and what I’m hearing about the expansion seems to all be shifts in the right direction.