
This is why developers should never focus their content design on the traditional ‘hardcore’ mmo raid scene. They’re the most unreliable and fickle customer base you can find in gaming. They knowingly rush through content and then instantly start the complaining and mud slinging. It’s always hilarious seeing people

You can get self-righteous if you like. But it is odd that you chose to title this article framing the player reaction, when the meat of the issue is that the Payday 2 developers not only did something they assured their player base they wouldn’t, but that they went beyond plain cosmetic microtransactions when they

You understand that the ‘kickstarter hell’ you speak of generally reflects timescales that have always been a part of game development right? If anything it’s sped things up, especially considering these are indie projects. Games generally don’t get made in only two years, let alone a year and a half, but I’ve

Doesn’t seem all that surprising. They look like children in their photos on the campaign page.

None of those things would cover or uncover their scrotum however.

I’m not loyal to any brands. But there are brands that I will never give a dime to willingly. Like Apple.

Why does it need to change it? It’s context. This isn’t some representation endemic to modern gaming, it’s an extreme outlier. Not just in its mass of DLC, but in the audience it caters to.

What are you talking about? There is no point or message to this article except pointing out that there is so much DLC, that even on sale the price is astronomical. That isn’t some passive, observational piece of journalism - it’s click bait for known triggers within the community and it’s there to lead the reader to

The developers have brought up sine mora before though when talking about things, it probably had an influence. It’s a wonderful amalgam of bullet hell and twin stick with varied, dynamic, arena-like environments. The game escalates really well, things keep getting crazier and crazier without it ever feeling

Your health isn’t time so much, it doesn’t drain when you’re hit. You have shields and if they break you get knocked down. Which does a few things: you get stunned and that interrupts killing robots which delays your next charge drop, your energy build on your weapon will be reduced, and you lose any active power-ups

One of my favorite games to be released in some time. Such a quality time waster. Great to the point design. Wonderful.

Actually, they are entitled to what they back - it’s at the backbone of kickstarter’s rules. What most people don’t understand is that they need to voice concerns like this directly to kickstarter. When it comes to the project campaign information and the current update, they seem to be on the road to not providing

It’s something he does with every plate appearance. Since you can’t leave the batters box repeatedly anymore, he instead holds his hand up requesting time while going through his timing prep. It’s not long or extended and it’s something he almost universally gets granted. A number of players do it or something similar

It’s almost as if this highlights some inherent flaw of the whole ‘first five minutes’ format.

Free with the Steam controller and then the PSN and console pull. I see this having a good life expectancy. A lot does come down to how they handle adding content, but distribution wise they’re set. And it has timeless fun x2 built into the core of its gameplay.

I’m pretty sure it’ll sustain. It’s free with the Steam controller and I believe it’s free (or was) on PSN. It had already garnered a huge amount of attention before it was cemented in place with both offers, so none of its popularity is that surprising. Just as long as they can utilize this popularity and grow the

Not in any manner that’s permanent. And if you’re holding the list to such a stipulation, there are a couple of titles on here that shouldn’t be.

Eh, not really. It was given away for free by EA on Origin not too long ago and that got press. That, along with its availability on GOG has given it plenty of exposure. Let alone if you played it when it first came out, you don’t really forget it.

Or Diablo 2 or Diablo or Path of Exile or any of the Divinity games or Warcraft 3 or... that seriously made me cry a little inside. But honestly, how is Warcraft 3 not on this? It provided us with our current MOBA invasion. Planescape Torment not there as well? Command and Conquer? Also, Pillars of Eternity if we’re

No, as a movie it wasn’t fine. As a piece of storytelling, it wasn’t fine. As entertainment, I can happily concede, but that’s not saying much considering a large majority of action movies or specifically terribly bad action movies can be entertaining if you let them. The performances were surprisingly okay too. But