
I spent many a weekend as a kid plaything this. Don’t know how many times I rented it from the local video store next to our grocer. I’ll never forget the deep betrayal I felt after I picked it up and found my cherished city saved over by some asshole name Chad. Seriously, Chad1 and Chad2. At eight years old, it was

This might be the understatement of the generation. Gamers: arguably more unstable and self centered than far right conservatives.

With their acquisition by Razer, will Ouya’s now break after a couple months of use?

  • The leveling system works differently now. Perks are tied to SPECIAL stats, and not levels. Having specific high special stats means having good related perks.

But now, through Steam you’re getting what was promised and more. All for the cost of a coffee if you wait for a sale. Gamers really need to grow up when it comes to what justifies a purchase. I’ll never comprehend how people who happily spend hours upon hours of their time playing games, can at the same time be so

It’s hard for me to feel any sympathy for people who bought the Xbox One. With all the information there has been available: the warning signs while leading up to pre-release, the numerous attempts Microsoft made to ape a trainwreck, and what their horrid PR/Marketing has done to hold back console gaming for years

Extremely grindy, but that’s inherent to the genre anyway. The most glaring money sink is the inventory system, which ruin it for me. It’s kinda disgusting that such a small piece that takes no developmental effort can be so purposefully terrible.

I wouldn’t take this as a sign of numbers. Trion has notoriously had issues providing competent server support for their games ever since they went down the free to play hole. And their launches of late have been nothing but disasters.

Why do you ignore the existence of Path of Exile? When considering some of the free to play games you regularly cover that have questionable micro-transactions and paygating, why the blackout on one of the truest free games out there? Especially considering the build up to and release of its 2.0 expansion patch today,

From their added content to the enhanced editions, I’m not holding my breath. I just don’t think they have the writing chops to live up to the name they’re taking over. Let alone placing the game in the middle, kinda writing yourself into a corner to start with with that decision.

This is why I could care less about this. Good on ‘em for doing the enhanced editions and getting them into the hands of another generation of gamers, but all their additional content was atrociously written. I have zero faith in this being stomachable from a narrative standpoint, let alone having a reactive system to

Like troll kinja?

Way to be a super huge dick at the end. Did you skim over the section telling you to ‘fuck off’ in the piece?

Well, a large number of supporters of their first game have played beta builds of it. There’s nothing that concerning. Just don’t support it if you think otherwise. But you’re the one jumping to conclusions here.

Show me a console only kickstarter that has had any sort of success comparable to those for PC. Releasing the games on consoles just adds unnecessary costs that can be handled after development and release.

And you know for a fact he only used the latter form? Digital cameras provide an out for most of the issues and with over half the film playing off the 24fps mark, the overt ‘jerkiness’ is employed sparingly. What I never experienced were sloppily removed frames or their artifacts. Almost all over-cranking and

One where consoles don’t draw people to kickstarter and one where porting a game from PC to consoles is easy enough that it can be an afterthought to come after launch.

Why? Mighty No 9 is a couple months from release. Why should the use of kickstarter demand a lull in their production?

That wasn’t decided belatedly, that’s something he’s been doing since the first Mad Max. And removing frames? I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I never saw any artifacts from that and they’d be glaringly apparent. There is the nod back to the crashes of the first film at one point, where after the collision

Why do they deserve the respect of game developers? Especially when only a fraction of their machines will run anything nearing a triple-A title, with that fraction owned mostly by professionals uninterested in gaming. Unless it’ll work on a phone or tablet, why should they put in the effort? It’ll always be an