I guess I’ll load it up again this coming weekend and see how things are now.
I guess I’ll load it up again this coming weekend and see how things are now.
I’d love to, but Hex’s pricing is ridiculous. At least Scrolls was playable without monumental investments of money or time. And I’ve found the community to be about as equally toxic as it is helpful.
It’s hard to call it a flop when almost no effort was made to promote or bring the game to wider audiences after Microsoft ‘released’ it. No iOS release, no use of Steam or any of the digital market places and a near silent release on Android. The closest thing that could count as publicity since was its inclusion to…
They’ve been pretty optimistic about being able to keep the current gen versions updated along with PC, though all of the features aren’t always identical.
If you understand how video game production works, then why the frustration and problems? My point is that if you understand how things work, and most people should by now, then no one should be pre-ordering games with the expectation that they’ll be completely stable at launch. And looking at most titles from large…
I learned a long time ago that preordering a video game is just asking for frustration and problems.
Recommended specifications for storage on PC are always larger than the actual download, that’s because they include the download + the space needed to install the game. Depending on the manner in which the download/install interact, this can make the recommended spec twice the download amount.
The majority of that ‘debacle’ is fabricated out of lazy group think. There have been a handful of cases where EA has blown up in the face of the customers, but it’s not a rampant aspect of the project like everyone paints it up to be. Nor has there been a lack of repercussion and recompense respectively for those…
I’m going to buy this game. And I’m more than likely going to continue paying for its DLC and sequels for years to come. I’m going to do this and likely play it with a sort of glee I haven’t felt in a long long time. But I’ll also still be bitter. I’ll always be bitter about this. But I just have to be honest with…
Eh, I wouldn’t say this is a reaction from them because ‘PC is theirs to take,’ but instead that it’s theirs to lose. With SteamOS on the horizon with the Steam controller, Steam machines/Steam link and also Sony’s fluid relationship with PC ports for their developed exclusives, hopefully this is Microsoft finally…
I’ve seen ten minute plays written and produced within a 24 hour time frame that have more substance, value, and character than the entirety of his career. Quite a number of them actually. But he does at least make one point, he’s likely in a position where he doesn’t have to work for the rest of his life and can…
It’s a different bundle of games. If you read the description the four game bundle is worth ‘over $120’ and includes ‘easier games’ to help get anyone into gaming, while the five game bundle is worth ‘over $220’ and includes ‘games ideal for an experienced gamer.’
It’s a different bundle of games. If you read the description the four game bundle is worth ‘over $120’ and includes…
I’m still blown away by how terrible the majority of the writing has been for this event. Such a waste of so many great artists. Are they trying to make Brightest Day and the 52 reboot look better in comparison? Because they’re succeeding. I can’t comprehend what’s going on in the heads of the idiots overseeing this…
I’m just happy the patch seems to have fixed whatever the cause was for the ‘crash’ that’d always send me to the desktop while the game kept running in the background pulled into some ghost like alternate dimension I wasn’t allowed to peer. Wasn’t able to get more than forty minutes of continuous gameplay from a…
Are they preparing for some major superpower to rise its head out of as of yet apparent modern industrial complex? Because honestly, who would we be fighting that’d require such technology? I’m all for some steady development and outfitting, but the ridiculous bankrolls handed off in R&D are unnecessary. Unless all…
It’s not unrealistic if they’re reaching Steam Early Access within that period of time. It’s not like kickstarters stop raising money after they finish the funding period.
Odd, this is the main reason I’m so excited for The Force Awakens.
Publishers and developers haven’t really adapted to this reality, and instead try fruitlessly to shut down or punish leaks from gamers as best they can.
On a related note, The Nightly Show has been killing it the last couple weeks.
It’s a sign of oddly prioritized content. So much of WoD was half-baked and shallow. Lots of new features, with a complete lack of endgame. Then a defined schedule to roll out what little content they were patching in is there. No surprises were coming for players and there was just nothing to do. For what was an…