
I’m expecting Half-Life 3 to show up when VR is a viable market for a game - not just in the mode of compatibility we’re already seeing, but as the only medium. It’s a small footnote that Half-life 2’s release brought us Steam, but looking back it’s now a really staggering cue for how their point of view of their

Sigh. Another Warcraft character and another assassin most likely.

They lost me at:

Of course Joss Whedon is going to say ‘this is the movie.’ He’s not going to say anything to threaten the film he made, let alone a film this size with so much weight behind it. Unless a director’s removing his name from the film, you’re rarely going to find one who’d admit that what is playing isn’t their preferred

I don’t know if Thanos expected Loki to succeed. Or even cares that much. He wants the infinity stones, but he also seems just as interested in meddling with mortals as he is with actually attaining them. And he had no problem handing one over to retrieve another, though arguably the space gem would open the universe

Joss Whedon has said his initial cut of the film was well over three hours long (something near three hours forty minutes has been reported). It’s pretty obvious at a couple points during the movie that number of meaningful and important scenes were flat out removed. I don’t think he ever intended to release such a

It doesn’t help that it is a conservative movement. That the loudest and most amassed voices for the movement online can’t pull themselves away from antagonism and labeling feminists/SJWs whenever faced with confrontation. That people like Milo Yiannopoulos are a public face for the group. That it’s origins are soaked

I don’t think I’ve seen an update for the game since last summer? Like June or something? Never noticed any improvements when it came to optimization, just bug fixes.

In defense of Chronicles, they kickstarted around the same time as Returns... not too long after I don’t think. They might’ve overlapped? And I think there was some purposeful sharing of ideas between the teams. They do kinda share a community together. Harebrained’s development went a lot faster, which should be

Well, this is going to be horrible. The man hasn’t done substantial superhero work since the 80s and even then, it was more the lack of similar material than the quality of his work that made it shine. And his outputs from the last decade and a half have been utter monstrosities. The man should just stop. It’s

No, it’s be like the police serving you with a restraining order if you were repeatedly abusive and threatening to your neighbor. I never understand the people who get up in arms over clauses like these when it comes to playing a communal game. Don’t be human garbage to others online. It’s that simple. And understand

I’m so happy morons like this own firearms and are willing to put them to such constructive uses right in the middle of residential areas. And that there are ‘journalists’ who’ll glorify it and also pull the printer from Office Space out of context at the same time. Disappointing.

The 8.3 percent figure is from the MLB itself:

Oh the glory of 50Mbps+, no data cap, at a reasonable price. Thank you offshoot broadband provider! And Google fiber will apparently start moving in within five years. But anyway, don’t blame the developers or even distributors for the size of game downloads. Get mad and angry at your local and national

Super 8 has stood the test of time. The biggest flaws of the Star Trek films were their screenplays, which Abrams didn’t write. He’s a fantastic director and the things he has written have generally been great. I have no worries about the screen writer of Empire Strikes Back and him writing a great film together.

Whenever I listen to one of his SoundCloud pieces, I get the overwhelming feeling that TotalBiscuit’s rationalism has been pitted hollow by his ego. All his soap boxing reeks of ambulance chasing, of blowing up small things into injustices because he can then rant. And the saddest part? All the righteous defense about

That’d involve him getting over himself, which I think at this point would be impossible.

From personal experience, they'll replace most anything that's reasonable. The two times I had problems were with a broken mouse and a QA issue with one I bought, they were both replaced. One instance took a bit more work (the mouse that had an issue out of the box) but the difference in time was only about a week.

From personal experience, they'll replace most anything that's reasonable. The two times I had problems were with a

Fucking white people and money...

They didn’t improve the second game at all? Are you crazy? From launch to its final state they enhanced the graphics engine and overhauled the UI, targeting and combat system. They added an interactive tutorial, an arena mode, an extreme difficulty mode with altered rewards, another 36 minutes of cinematics, and