
The internet in general and Kinja in particular have very strong views on the order of the Best Chrises. It is a thing that is known. So I can’t even fathom what it would feel like to get engaged to the universally acknowledged Worst Chris, who is Worst Chris by a substantial margin.

Hey, NBC, rather than paying Megyn Kelly $30 million to not work, I will gladly work for just 1/10 of that - and I’ll give you every bit of your $3 million worth -  a reliably inoffensive but entertaining hour of morning tv fluff. “Today Live! with Jerry-Netherland.

My new ambition in life is to fail so much at my job that they’ll give me $69 million to go away

Fruit ranking really is a multi-axis process, as shown in this chart.  A professor in my department in grad school had all his students fill out their own and taped it to the door of his lab.

I’m a little confused; I don’t think white women are excluded from body hair? Maybe western European white women? But. I mean, anyone of Jewish or Mediterranean descent knows what this is about... I was mocked mercilessly for my nipple/tuft of chest hair when I was younger, and certainly got endless mocking in junior

Conservatives live in bizarro land. They say trans will attack people in bathrooms, they call liberals racist, fascist, war mongers.. basically everything conservatives are.  Oh and especially freeloaders, they love throwing that one out and completely ignore the fact red states have the highest rates of welfare.

Psh, nice try. We all know that the REAL DANGER is from those scary trans people just trying to pee.

Don’t feel bad, Kate. My boobs spoiled the twists in The Crying Game and The Sixth Sense.

I do remember another interview I did for Bridesmaids with somebody who later lost his job for a conversation he had on a bus with someone else. I won’t mention names, but just think about it.

I do remember another interview I did for Bridesmaids with somebody who later lost his job for a conversation he had on a bus with someone else.

JESUS CHRIST! She has so much restraint for not punching their lights out. Her publicist should have said something to these pricks along the lines of ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’

LOL to all of this but ESPECIALLY the “Guess who’s doing Slimfast keto” in the corner of every magazine, haaaahahaha

For the record, even with the Man Show under that guy’s belt, Kimmel seems a lot more likeable and less gross.

I don’t doubt his stated sexuality! But I am surprised someone who so fervently supported Bernie in 2016 is (allegedly) dating Cory Booker.

I am short, grey-haired, and about to turn 54. I am therefore completely invisible. Even the weirdos and the drunks ignore me now because there’s no mileage in trying to score a cheap laugh by trying to scare a woman over 50: apparently I’m scarier than they are, just by dint of date of birth.

I didn’t hold a party when I became invisible to men, but I should have.

I am a Black queer person so following this story closely. One thing missing from his apologies is a clear understanding of why the comments are so toxic. Don Lemon laid out the high rates of child abuse and homelessness Black LGBTQ youth face due to parents with this exact “my kid could never be gay” attitude. The

Don Lemon called his ass out, he has not been all over the place apologizing, he apologized on Ellen for the first time. He’s not sorry and he’s not done being a homophobe, he just doesn’t want to jeopardize his career 

Completely unrelated to anything here, but I just read this short story (about an hour long read) and..... GODDAMN.

That dress is hilarious.  I once went as a slutty tampon for Halloween, and it’s still my favorite costume ever.