
I love that she has the guts to clap back at these blowhards but is doing it in a way that is not calling them liars, sexists or alarmists, but by basically calling them idiots and making them prove their knowledge. I don’t think a lot of our politicians really know their stuff when it comes to constitutional law, tax

I think it’s just a combination of aging, different hair, spray tan and the fact that the photo has just been airbrushed to hell (no one is that poreless close up, no matter what kind of work they’ve had done). His features are all the same as they were 15 years, so I doubt he’s had anything but Botox.

Those eyebrows! Those lips!
Morph their faces together,
Behold my Aunt Marge.

“If a male staff needs to enter a female room, they need to bring in a female employee with them.”


Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

What does that even mean?  Towards whom does one climb in Toronto?

I hope they are.  The whole “catfight!” narrative is misogynistic and sucky.

I’m still skeptical of this whole Kate and Meghan issue. I feel like its just the media making a big to-do about nothing. I think they are all laughing in their castle at all this horse-shit the media comes up with.

Other than these two all the other main characters are POC 

It reminds me of how Portlandia ended, and in an interview post 16 Carrie Brownstein was already looking towards new projects anyways, but she mentioned how much of a bubble the show always kind of was in . Wistful memories now the innocence of the Obama era, taking for granted how so much could be lost in a

Maybe she can’t turn up like she used to. Shit just creeps up on you soemtimes.

Meh. I hang out with exes. It’s fine.

Talk about being an abusive psycho. This is litigation warfare. The only goal is to harass and embarrass his ex. If he wants to have a child, he could easily just go find another woman to procreate with but instead he keeps going on with these pointless lawsuits.  

I doubt it’s a big deal even if true. It’s probably a case of liking someone well enough to be friendly but not enough to live under the same roof with them for the rest of your life. Most of us wouldn’t live with our brothers and sisters in law but let a royal feel the same way and it’s a scandal.

The palace actually came out and said something and Kate’s mom (aka Mrs. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice) gave an interview for the first time ever to let everyone know that everything is okay

Is there actually any evidence that Kate Middleton and Megan Markle don’t get along, or is it all made up by the tabloids and gossip sites? 

I know a couple that have been married for 10+ years and fight all.the.time. They have two kids who are shy and stressed out. I don’t understand why they stay married. Of course, I've been single forever, which means I haven't been in a serious fight forever. No one has said anything truly mean to me in years. I can't

Jesus, I didn’t know until looking it up that Stoney Westmoreland is fully an adult (48 years old) and not just a former teen actor, like I assumed with “Disney Channel.” That’s especially horrifying.

Everyone’s getting engaged or married and I’m just sitting over here not giving a shit while all my married friend’s relationships slowly implode over some dysfunction or another.