
Nice marmot.

That’s not a “rumor”, that’s a blind item from Crazy Days & Nights that circulated several years ago. That site is known for posting misogynistic lies and I still haven’t heard anything from more credible sources. I don’t doubt she has plenty of issues as most child stars do, but it’s cruel and intrusive to present

This made it so much easier for me to move on. I wasn’t happy and had built up so much resentment towards him that by the time I actually bit the bullet, I was done.

They are the answer, but for opposite reasons. Like... I don’t need to cuddle a rando if I feel touch-starved. Dating?! Pah! Chopper and Cujo are master cuddlers, and they look at me with such love. especially after a long walk in the park or when I whip up something even slightly fancy for dinner. Honestly, my dogs

Service dogs just might be the answer to dating in the Metoo# era.

My ex husband, and an ex boyfriend both moved on within weeks of leaving/breaking up with me.  I haven’t been in a relationship since the ex husband left.  I would like to be in one, but I haven’t met a guy that hasn’t been an asshole yet.  I’ve known other people that moved on from previous relationships super quick,

It’s a little like death, though, isn’t it? My grandfather passed recently, and my mother (who has been his primary caretaker for the last decade - and it was a huge drain on emotional resources for the last two) was sad until the funeral, but has rebounded and is enjoying her life anew.

His son, who rarely visited and

I was thinking that, too. That’s also what I think brought on Britney’s breakdown.

To all of my family, friends & the folks on here

I’m not comfortable with the fact that the statement is coming from Hickerson and not Panettiere. I understand privacy, but if they’re going to make a public statement at all, it should be from the person everyone’s worried about.

I wonder if Hayden Panettiere’s situation stems, at least in part, from the severe postpartum depression she suffered after the birth of her daughter. Mood disorders can put a strain on relationships, as well as bonding with a child. Hers went on for a protracted length of time. Maybe it brought more mental health

I don’t think I could tell good modeling versus bad.

I have never seen anything about Jeff Lewis where he didn’t seem like a 100% toxic person. 

Also she seems to like ‘em young and dumb

I visibly cringe whenever I read any quote from Nick Cannon. I would like him to be out of the spotlight anytime now.

I feel cringey about Dane Cook’s relationship and then seeing a picture of his current face just makes me...

Donating those pizzas is the definition of charity because they easily could have gone in the garbage and helped no one. You did a good thing and that’s admirable.

Do you think Sia will give me partial credit for the 8 pizzas I dropped off at the local homeless shelter last night? We had a lot of bad orders last night, and I hate to throw away good food, so it wasn’t purely charitable.

This has nothing to do with our subject, but if you think sexuality is binary then you are missing the fuck out.

I can respect Cardi’s mind and her work ethic, be interested to hear her political views, love to chat with her about FDR’s New Deal’s impact on world politics, surmise with her on the impact Elenor had on his personal politics and STILL be pissed as fuck at her for her anti-trans statements.