
I hope someone shits in his mouth while he’s in prison. Repeatedly.


This is the most important comment. Skin color and the content of your bank account should never factor into the justice process.

Yeah ... no. Murder doesn’t become okay because you do it during sexual intercourse.

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

I wouldn’t take him even if he was free.

How much time and money and effort are they spending on all this, when they could just trot her out for a five-minute live press conference/statement saying, “See? I’m fine. Now leave me alone.” It’s almost like she’s not alive or something...

Oh like this?

THOSE BOOTS!!!  Have I died and gone to heaven?  

Those aren’t iridescent rave boots, that’s her reptilian skin peeking through.

They really otter know better.

Plus who goes after Ariana Grande of all people? Hey, Michael. I know you’re reading this because you’re a washout has-been thirsty for validation who starts shit on social media because Spike Lee will never call you. Listen, you born and raised on the Upper East Side wannabe tough-guy, there’s no such thing as

People look different with makeup vs. without makeup? Even celebrities? Wow, what a shocker! (And for what it’s worth and judging by the photo, Ariana looks great without makeup too)

Michael Rapaport is 48 looks 63 and acts 16. If you keep literally every aspect of him exactly the same there’s hotter men every place anywhere. 

It is like this is a movie about Hellboy made in the Hellboy universe.

I too enjoyed it, but while reading your comment, I figured out what bothered me with the trailer. John Hurt WAS the character, Ian McShane seems like he is an actor playing the part. It is like this is a movie about Hellboy made in the Hellboy universe. (and now I have in my head the Ron Perlman Hellboy sitting on

Which is what confuses me. What happened to the darker more serious tone they claimed they were going for? If they were just going to have Hellboy cracking corny jokes throughout why not just have Perlman reprise the role? Also, the makeup looks... off.  Could just be because it’s a slight variance on the original

David Harbour is not as good as Perlman at acting through a ton of prosthetics. Gotta give it to the man, he has a particular set of skills.

I’m not into the way they did his face, but.. idk. We’ll see. Not terribly excited for the moment.

Reserving judgement simply because Ron Perlman set an impossibly high bar for the character.