
No, he made ONE rape joke, and when he was called on it, gave a thoughtful apology, taking full responsibility.

Counterpoint: Jason Momoa is cool, and naked mole rat queen is also cool.

Because, as the lede says— as the entire blog literally says — Alice Walker made news yesterday for citing him in her favorite books. Again. There’s no particular reason to write about David Icke’s claims on their own — nothing much has changed — but the fact that she once again cited him is news. I also wrote this

The thing is that Davidson had tweeted something that sounded suicidal earlier in the day. Not letting him go on live television and in front of an audience was a wise decision. What would you be writing if he decided to kill himself on air and hundreds of people then decided to follow his example?

I agree! She looked striking and glamorous! But my favorite national costume this year was probably Miss El Salvador’s.

Jezebel’s writers are so progressive that they’ve eaten their own tails. You can’t acknowledge the minorities who suffer the worst violence in our society, and so you assume you’re cooler than everyone else. I think it’s worth writing a story about her. 

But she’s the first hot woman who was hot and also a woman of the type of woman that she is, which is important to show that hot women can be hot enough to enter into hot women contests! This really is some amazing inclusivity!

Is Kate Hudson also going to demonstrate how to utilize professional chefs, trainers, and nutritionists to buy extremely healthy and expensive food and who can develop and cook healthy recipes for you while using an extensive home gym while all your kids are being taken care of either at school or by nannies?

I don’t think he was responding to his phone, probably. If he’s posting on Twitter then that’s what he’s obviously engaging with. 

Thomas Markle is an abusive narcissist. I know because I have two of them for parents and this is EXACTLY how they behave. Nothing will ever satisfy him. It is painful and exhausting, and cutting him out of her life is precisely the right thing to do. It is the *only* thing you can do with people like this. If you

Wait wait wait.... How in the everloving fuck is Ariana joking about two dudes sucking up all the oxygen with their lame ass beef interpreted as attacking Kanye’s mental health? Is Kanye saying that no one is allowed to take attention away from him because he’s mentally ill? FOH.

Oh my god she lost both of her children. Oh my god. This world rips me into shreds daily. Fuck I cannot even imagine. I’m logging off for the day. 

I assume everything I do is bad for not giving up my candles. 

I don’t know why I find her request for a ribbon and ball for her kitty so touching. This is great.

Kelly, you better trademark your KttyKins idea right now. 

I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed. 

I’ve never heard of this guy until now. She’s Faith the Vampire Slayer. 

In the tapes the CBS lawyers showed, they thought that Eliza cursing on set was all the proof they needed to show that SHE was the problem. The video contained cut and dry examples of sexual harassment happening in real time, and it didn’t even register to them that they were shooting themselves in the foot. But a

I had a girl my husband works with try this with us - she came up to me at a work BBQ and said “oh I love Pete, but you know he flirted with me when we were in training?” Me - “cool - we were only casual then and I hooked up with other people too?”